AS WE WAIT for Georgia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Nevada to report their vote tallies, with an outside chance that President Trump just might survive, it’s important that you understand the role the media played in the race. We know about media bias, but they clearly went over the line.
THE MEDIA AND THE POLLS – Regular readers will recall, that while I published survey results by the various pollsters, it was strictly for information purposes, and I always cautioned to treat them with a grain of salt.
The strategy of the media and partners was to not to survey opinions of likely voters, as they would have you believe, rather it was designed to “shape” the news with good Biden polls to fit the left’s goal.
The media collaborated early in the presidential race to convince you that Democrat Joe Biden was going to be the clear winner. It was the New York Times teaming up with Sienna College, CBS with YouGov, NBC with Marist, CNN with SRSRS, CNBC with Change Research, the Boston Globe with Suffolk University, Reuters with IPSOS, and Investors’ Business Daily with TIPP.
Then there were the media tie-ups. The Wall Street Journal with NBC News, the Washington Post and ABC News. The leftist news site, AXIOS, teamed with Survey Monkey.
Sadly, Fox News Channel’s in-house pollster seemed to fall in line with the methodology of the others.
Regardless who they were teamed with, the media took pleasure in using RealClear Politics’ average of the polls.
In the end, their polls were way off. For example, Biden was up by 10 in Florida, but Trump won by 3.4 percent.
“The nation’s press are truly the enemy of the people.” – President Trump, April 5, 2019
THEY WERE ALSO COMPLICIT in publishing predominately negative news about President Trump and the Trump administration during his entire first term, determined to be 95 percent negative by the Media Research Center.
Trump boldly continued to do the work of the nation while the media colluded with the Deep State through Russia, Russia, Russia, the Mueller investigation, the Senate impeachment trial, and criticism of his handling of the pandemic.
The media played down the rioting and looting in Democrat-run cities in Democrat-controlled states. They were simply peaceful protests.
Perhaps half of U.S. voters knew nothing about the Biden family corruption facts exposed by the New York Post because they were not published or broadcast by the leftist media, and censored by social media sites.

Those that did use the story twisted it into another Russian misinformation ploy, despite the fact that was debunked by the director of national intelligence.
May God continue to bless the United States of America.