The Chicken Little’s of Climate Change Continue to Embarrass With Their Unattainable Goals


For most of us, those predictions of the end of the world as we know it, began with Al Gore’s 2006 warning that “unless drastic measures were taken, the world would reach a point of no return in 10 years.”

But since the 1970’s, scientists have been predicting “climate apocalypse,” a new ice age.  TIME magazine heralded the prediction on its cover, and when that prediction failed, other scientists began to caution global warming, and TIME was there again to scare its readers.

Just last year, climate change activist Rep. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez made the cover of TIME when she warned “the world is gonna end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change.”  The young Swede, Greta Thunberg, made the cover of TIME as Person of the Year for her persistent advocacy in the to fight halt climate change.

Yet today, with all of those failed predictions, Joe Biden is making climate change his number one priority, despite the fact that Americans surveyed ranked the  issue 12th on a list of “very important” issues.

Why not?  At his age, with his stated goal of eliminating carbon emissions by 2035, he need not worry about being around to suffer any embarrassment.  Even now, his lack of intellectual perception prevents him from acknowledging that his goal is impossible.

During the appearance of Jennifer Granholm, Biden’s nominee to become Energy Secretary, on ABC’s This Week, she seemed confused with Biden’s 2030 goal as she later expressed her optimism that he will deliver on his promise by the year 2050.

Biden’s “all-in” strategy on climate change will involve his entire administration. Treasury Secretary designate Janet Yellen, is expected to aggressively use her wide-ranging regulatory powers to push the green agenda, including the punishment of companies not complying with the reduction of carbon emissions.

NOT ALL OF THE EMBARRASSMENT, however, comes from government. In Francis Menton’s blog, Manhattan Contrarian, he offers up Steve Rendle, president of VF Corporation as a contestant for his prize for climate reality-denial.

VF Corporation, an apparel company best known for its North Face outdoor wear, refused to produce a few hundred jackets for Houston-based Innovex, because it is in the business of oil and gas services.

Rendle’s ignorance was highlighted by Valerie Richardson in the Washington Times, who notes that “the vast majority of the North Face hoodies, coats, gloves, snow pants and other apparel, as well as tents and backpacks, are made with nylon, polyester and polyurethane, all of which come from petroleum.”

North Face isn’t alone, according to Richardson, who reported that Patagonia for years has supported anti-fracking despite its heavy reliance on petroleum for its apparel.


MY EMBARRASSMENT AWARD of the day goes the World Economic Forum, which tweeted the “Venus was once Earth like, but climate change made it uninhabitable.”

May God continue to bless the United States of America.