I REFUSE TO DO A YEAR IN REVIEW – If you find it necessary to have the year reviewed for you, you’ll have to look for it in your daily newspaper, where they’ll be sure to remind you of those celebs who passed away in 2020, as if that really matters.
All that matters to me is that I strived over the year to provide you with on-point commentary, primarily on the political scene. You certainly know the accomplishments of President Trump and his administration. I continue to marvel how he stayed strong, keeping his campaign promises and then some, all while the enemy from within – the Deep Staters – and out – the media – were determined to undermine him, over a four-year period.
ONE ACCOMPLISHMENT, that received little coverage, was President Trump’s business man approach through Operation Warp Speed that brought us two Covid-19 vaccines, with more nearing approval, in less than a year. Development, clinical trials and manufacturing normally takes eight to 12 years.
While striving to calm the anxiety in Americans, he successfully bucked the bureaucracy, regulations and barriers, and Democrats with their complicit media were silent in crediting him, showing their “smallness” on an occasion that called for praise.
The obtrusive Chuck Schumer gave sole credit to the public and private sectors with no mention of Trump.
AND AFTER FOUR YEARS of progress under President Trump, putting America first, we have Cindy McCain saying …
“I DID IT FOR MY COUNTRY,” in an interview with the left-leaning Arizona Republic in its December 26, 2020 lead story on page one. “I couldn’t sit still any longer. I had to do something. When I did it, I jumped in with all fours,” she said, as she talked about the television commercials and some 50 interviews, she did over a one-month period.

(NBC News photo)
It wasn’t for her country, folks. That’s ludicrous. She’s was continuing her vengeance agenda against the president, who called out her husband for what he was when it came down to a vital vote when his party needed him on ObamaCare. Ironically, that would have been a vote for his country.
I was highly skeptical of her position statement in September when she endorsed Joe Biden for president, when she said, “(she) would not be getting involved in Arizona politics this cycle,” all while saying she “will remain a registered Republican.” A distasteful RINO.
She told the Republic that she was “reluctant to get involved … I obviously wanted us to win, and I think I had some effect on some of the other states. I’m very happy with what happened and I’m very proud to have played a small part in all of this to bring him over the finish line.”
It was only the second win for a Democrat in Arizona since 1948, and for that, she’s very proud.
“I would say that her endorsement gave those voters the permission perhaps they were seeking to vote for a Democrat nominee,” said Kirk Adams, former chief of staff to Gov. Doug Ducey. Permission?
McCain speaks of a “huge list” of Republicans, who would make a positive contribution to the Biden administration. I can hardly wait to see who would make that leap.
She has been mentioned as a possible nominee as ambassador to the UK. Why not North Vietnam?
PEGGY NOONAN, the east coast elitist columnist for the Wall Street Journal, made a feeble attempt in her review of 2020, “A Look Back at the Pandemic Year,” with her obligatory slap at President Trump, shamefully criticizing his leadership, noting that by June “his limitations are being seen and acknowledged.”
“We lauded the most transcendent moment of the campaign,” she wrote … (with) Rep. Jim Clyburn’s endorsement of Joe Biden … and welcomed vice-presidential nominee Kamala Harris to the fray.”
As if it mattered that she celebrated the 20th anniversary of her WSJ column during the year, she wanted us to know that each week she attempts to answer three questions: What’s happening? What’s true? Are you seeing it too? She regularly fails to do so as far as middle America is concerned.
Admitting that she has antagonists, she says, “the key is to try to say clearly what you believe to be true,” and often “makes people mad.” That includes Kramerontheright.
Referring to her column as “this little space,” she wants you to appreciate it is her, “privilege … to be here, to be part of it, to get to say what you see, especially in this of all years.”
I have that privilege, too, and I will continue to refute her leftist beliefs in this, my “little space.”

THE FEDERALIST, which doubled in size in 2020, with an increased scope of coverage, abandoned the customary year in review, featuring its writers in “What Gave Us Joy In 2020.” Publisher Ben Domenech, who is also a regular contributor on Fox, wrote, “we decided to consider what amid this strange and stressful year brought us joy, sometimes unexpectedly.”
Of note was that not one the Federalist staffers wrote of “a joy” that took place on the political scene they cover so well. Instead, they wrote of their delightful experiences under pandemic restrictions.
Like most of us, they managed to bring some joy to their days in a year we all want to put in the rear- view mirror as we await our opportunity to receive the vaccine.
THE CRAZINESS CONTINUED in 2020 in the University of Michigan’s Information and Technology Services Words Matter Task Force, which compiled its list of offensive terms, adding “picnic” and “brown bag” to its banned terms.
Ill-conceived substitutes: “gathering” for “picnic,” and “lunch and learn” for “brown bag” are now listed as alternative terms by the Task Force.
I wonder if the powers that be at the University of Michigan understand the term “disband.” It should be applied to the Words Matter Task Force.
May God Continue to Bless the United States of America.