Stay Strong While the Condemnation of President Trump Continues Among the Swamp Dwellers


While soon-to-be-president Joe Biden talks about “restoring the soul of America, bringing the country back together, and creating a path to a brighter future,” it rings hollow, disingenuous, as he refuses to call off the dogs – Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and Rhode Island’s yapping Chihuahua, David Cicilline – who are only interested humiliating the president with impeachment.

(Creator Unknown)

If the media, including Twitter, Facebook and the others, all complicit in the demise of the Trump presidency while giving Biden-Harris a pass during their anemic campaign, are serious about Biden being democracy’s savior, they, too, should back off.  But they are not.

It’s been nearly a week since the breaching of the Capitol by a group of bad actors who infiltrated a group of thousands of Trump supporters, and the Wall Street Journal, has decided to continue to kick the president while he is down. 

“Mr. Trump disgraced his office and the nation,” wrote editor-at-large Gerard Baker today. “His behavior was undoubtedly an impeachable offense, even if it may not be timely or particularly wise to remove him from office now.  The president’s behavior last week was uniquely and unforgivably iniquitous.  And the decay goes deeper.”

Then there’s Wall Street Journal columnist William McGurn, who seems to think that the only way an election can be “stolen” is in the balloting process, to which he says, those who believe that are “mistaken.”  There were serious irregularities in the voting, but it was the so-called mainstream media types posing as journalists, and the social media news censors who really stole the election.

McGurn believes there’s an effort to lump the 74 million Americans who voted for Trump with those who rampaged through the Capitol, “rendering them as unfit for polite society going forward.”  However, Irving Cohen of San Antonio reminded the Journal that most of the 74 million Americans who voted for President Trump were not there, reminding the paper that “we’re still here … we will be heard.”

The media is also coming down on those members of Congress, led by Senators Cruz and Hawley, who supported the president, who endeavored to secure a 10-day election audit on January 6, 2021.  The Journal’ s Baker had the audacity to refer to them as “jackals.”

Charles Krauthammer wannabe, Chris Stirewalt, Fox’s politics editor, questions how the party will respond, suggesting it could mean the loss of supporters. “If Trump gets away with it, there will be many conservatives and moderates who abandon the party.”

Stirewalt claims the president had already worn out his welcome “before he directed an angry mob of supporters to physically intimidate Congress.”

Trump did that by telling his supporters, “I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.”

The left is encouraging those in business to withhold future political contributions for those in Congress who supported Trump.  Greater Phoenix Leadership, an organization of Republican and Democrat community leaders in Phoenix, Arizona bought a full-page ad in the left-leaning Arizona Republic to assail President Trump without calling him out by name. 

The paper provided the group op-ed space in which its president and CEO wrote, “the vast majority of us have agreed that we will no longer support the party and these individuals financially, nor will we continue memberships in organizations that support them financially, until we see a change in rhetoric, leadership and practice with a return to civil discourse and the fundamental principles upon which the Republican Party was founded.”

How disappointed I was to see how this group of businessmen and women could so easily be persuaded to throw the president under the bus after all he accomplished for the business community while being assaulted by the left for four years.

It’s unfortunate that they have forgotten Barry Goldwater’s speech in which he asserted that “extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice.”

ON THE NATIONAL SCENE – “I think the Trump brand is close to destroyed, said Scott Reed, who until recently was chief political strategist for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.  An expected comment when you recall how Trump refused the Chamber a place at the trade table because of its globalist position.

Each of us understand that the goal of making America great again isn’t possible under a Biden-Harris administration, but we have to continue the fight.  Incidentally, “fighting” for our principles is common political campaign terminology, not to be confused with rioting, as some would have you believe.

In future commentaries I will be providing you with my views and suggestions going forward with as much optimism I can muster.

THE OBAMA-BIDEN ADMINISTRATION, in a clandestine meeting just days before President Trump’s inauguration, set forth a Deep State effort to delegitimize his presidency.  The swamp dwellers, who are now preaching national unity, owe him the ability to depart the White House without further recrimination.

May God continue to bless the United States of America