Opening a New Chapter for the Republican Party


As we open the new chapter for the Republican Party we must admit it is a party somewhat divided, however, the opposition is not without its own problems.

Never Trumpers, and their Lincoln Project imploded with sexual allegations against its co-founder John Weaver, and the resignation of Steve Schmidt, the late John McCain’s failed campaign strategist.  And what’s next for the foul-mouthed Rick Wilson, who regularly attacked the president and first lady on TV.

Then there’s the division within the Democrat Party.  President Biden claims to be a moderate, but his executive orders say otherwise, heavily evidenced by input from Bernie Sanders and “the Mob.”

Over in the House, Nancy Pelosi has been able to hang on as speaker, but she’s obviously trying not to upset “the Mob.” Her party’s margin is slimmer and she has to be concerned with the 2022 midterms.

The left has more worries in the blue states.  California Gov. Gavin Newsom is facing a recall that is likely to trigger a special election.  New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo sent Covid-19 patients into nursing homes and is now facing lawsuits over a cover-up in the death count.

It’s Still Trump’s Republican Party

Who else’s could it be?  McConnell’s?  Romney’s?  Not Nikki Haley’s; she told Politico that Trump “went down a path he shouldn’t have, and we shouldn’t have followed him, and we shouldn’t have listened to him.   And we can’t let that ever happen again.

Certainly, none of the seven who voted to convict Trump on Saturday are serious contenders.  Nebraska’s Sen. Ben Sasse sealed his fate in the party long ago. Any others?  The others are either planning to retire or are not up for reelection. Who would be willing to cross Trump if he or she harbored a political future?

It would appear that President Trump’s hold on the GOP’s future remains as solid as it can be right now.  Approximately 80 percent of Republicans approve of Trump, according to Gallup.  And there’s still a group of some 70 percent of Republicans who believe that Biden’s win was due to widespread fraud.

Even columnist Jonah Goldberg, a never Trumper, believes Trump loyalists still have a strong hold on the party, and said so in a recent interview on NPR.

The McConnell Factor

I don’t see Sen. Mitch McConnell as someone solidly in Trump’s corner, but there have been occasions when he has helped Trump.  His vote to acquit in the recent trial was critical.  His floor speech following Trump’s acquittal was disappointing, but you have to believe there was a motive for his decision.  He also defended Rep Liz Cheney.

McConnell must now concentrate on regaining the Senate in 2022, and he’s going to need Trump’s support.  He cannot afford to have Trump provide primary challenges to GOP senators, like Sen. John Thune of South Dakota.

Two recent headlines are food for thought. “The Republican Party won’t fall apart this time either,” over a piece by long-time political analyst Michael Barone in the Washington Examiner.

“The Republicans do face some difficulties. Former President Trump gave them a presidential victory they didn’t expect and some policy victories and new support from modest-income constituencies like Appalachians and Hispanics,” Barone commented.

Although Daniel McCarthy’s piece in Spectator US, “The death of the Republican right has been greatly exaggerated,” he believes the divisions within the GOP are irreconcilable. “Trump voters won’t turn out for non-Trump Republicans, and non-Trump Republicans likewise won’t vote for Trumpish nominees.”

We have to keep the faith.  Work to get Trump supporters reelected and recruit Trump-minded candidate to run in 2022.  And it is important that we help the party tackle the issue of voting integrity at the polls in every state.

We’ll soon know what role President Trump will take.

 FINALLY, I TOLD YOU SO – I concluded my last blog post suggesting that the editorial staff of the leftist Arizona Republic was probably struggling with how they would report Donald Trump’s acquittal without admitting that they lost again.  Their Sunday headline: “Trump acquitted despite 57 senators voting guilty.” Pathetic.

May God continue to bless the United States of America