An Emphatic ‘NO’ to Biden and Harris


With due respect, Vice President Harris, I am not, “part of George Floyd’s legacy,” as you assumed Tuesday, and it is not my “job now to honor it and to honor him.”

And with due respect to President Biden, I object to your continual inferences that systemic racism exists in the United States.  It does, only in the minds of the left, among those with political motives pushing another myth … white supremacy.

In addition, Mr. President, your prayer that the jury would reach the “right verdict” prior to the jury’s verdict, was disgraceful.

And, with no respect, Speaker Pelosi, your statement that there was no reason for Rep. Maxine Waters to apologize, and that her comments were “appropriate,” when she called for confrontation, was ludicrous. Clearly, it was an incitement to riot if the “right” verdict wasn’t reached.

George Floyd’s life didn’t have to end the way it did, with Police officer Derek Chauvin’s knee on his neck. Yes, Chauvin was shown as being over-zealous in his restraint, and other officers present failed to appeal to Chauvin’s actions.

One might say Floyd’s life was bound to end that way, with a life filled with mistakes dating back to his teen years.  He had consumed fentanyl and methamphetamines recently.  And on the day he died, he had been arrested for the simple attempt to pass a counterfeit twenty-dollar bill.

His death became another excuse to riot and loot. To destroy the property of innocent business men and women.  The looting was said to be payment for the decades of suffering by blacks.  It was all done in the name of George Floyd.

Sadly, Minneapolis settled with the Floyd family with the largest pretrial civil rights settlement ever awarded … $27 million.  How was a jury to find him not guilty after the city had already virtually admitted it?

Vice President Harris wants us to honor him.  I’m sorry, he didn’t earn my honor. I cannot honor a man whose name was used to perpetuate a fraud on the American public that we are all racist.

Since Floyd’s death, we saw CEOs of our biggest corporations duped by the Black Lives Movement for millions of dollars, funds that reportedly enabled founder Patrice Kahn-Cullers to purchase of several lavish homes, including a recent $1.4 million home in an upscale LA white neighborhood.  The BLM has raised some $90 million.

Some of those same CEOs caved to those who were spreading word that the election reform in Georgia was racist.

It doesn’t end with the Floyd verdict, folks.  The myth of systemic racism will continue, even as the Washington Post, which reported that since the beginning of 2015, law officers killed 33 more unarmed white individuals than blacks.  Just 2 percent of those killed by police were unarmed blacks.

Yet Biden and Harris continue to falsely claim that unarmed blacks are being killed at a staggering rate.  It’s hardly comforting that Biden nominated two radical blacks, Vanita Gupta and Kristen Clarke, with questionable positions on racial equity and social justice, to key Justice Department positions.

HAVE YOY HEARD? – A number of employees at the publication giant Simon & Schuster have objected to the firm’s proposed publishing of former Vice President Pence’s book, stating that “it has chosen complicity in perpetuating white supremacy by publishing Mike Pence.” 

In their online petition, they accused Pence of advocating for policies that were racist, sexist and discriminatory toward LGBTQ+ people, among other criticisms of his tenure as a public official.”

To their credit, Simon & Schuster plans to proceed with the publishing of Pence’s book.

THERE’S MORE – Regular readers will recall that I have written extensively about the indoctrination going on in our colleges, universities and even in K-12 schools. Professors and teachers, who were already peddling leftist drivel, had no qualms in adding white privilege and racism to their curriculum.

Perhaps you’ve heard about the letter a father sent to the all-girl Bearley School, a New York private school with an annual tuition of $54,000.  He strongly objected to Bearley’s obsession with race, stating that the school had “completely lost its way.”

“I cannot tolerate a school that not only judges my daughter by the color of her skin, but encourages and instructs her to prejudge others by theirs.  I object to the charge of systemic racism in this country, and at our school. 

“We have not had systemic racism against blacks in this country since the civil rights reforms of the 1960s, a period of more than 50 years.  To state otherwise is a flat-out misrepresentation of our country’s history and adds no understanding to any of today’s societal issues.

“I object to the idea that blacks are unable to succeed in this country without aid from government or from whites. Bearley, by adopting critical race theory, is advocating the abhorrent viewpoint that blacks should be forever be regarded as helpless victims, and are incapable of success regardless of their skills, talents, or hard work.”

Obviously, the father who wrote this letter has decided not to reenroll his daughter at Bearley.

WE CANNOT ALLOW the myth of systemic racism to continue.  Take a stand and let your elected officials and your friends know where you stand.  Being called a racist is an insult.

Now, more than ever, may God continue to bless the United States of America.