Seriously … It’s Get a Backbone Time for America


In my last blog, I encouraged conservative Republicans to end their passivity, and stand up against those who are transforming America, the Biden administration and those on the left in the media, academia, and entertainment.

We simply cannot wait until the 2022 midterms to retake the House and Senate. Look at the damage Biden has done in his first 100 days.

Now the left is actively seeking to pass election reform legislation that will further destroy voting integrity, not ensure it, in the name of stopping voter oppression among minorities.

Then there’s their attempt to come in the back door of the Green New Deal with a bill that only slightly addresses our infrastructure needs.  Biden calls it a jobs bill, but it fulfills the left’s push to end climate change, promote social justice and push a wild assortment of freebees all under the name of “American Families.”

“Fear pervades the nation,” notes J. Robert Smith in American Thinker. “Millions of Americans know … and daily others are coming to grips with reality … they’re staying quiet, hoping destruction isn’t visited upon them.”

It’s time to end that fear, Smith says, citing the ugly fact that it must be confronted:

“The Democrat Party is now an extremist organ waging a fierce civil war to seize power and eviscerate America as founded and upend and erase its exceptional culture.

“The party is saturated with Marxist sensibilities, ideas, and motivations.  Marxism is alien and hostile.  It’s fundamentally anti-American.  Its worldview, strategies, and tactics are furnished in an endless stream by radical leftist academics, who have dominated our colleges and universities for decades now.

“Democrats are on the frontlines in its long war on American culture, mores and values.  Democrats are exhibiting and emboldened contempt for what most Americans hold dear: family, faith and flag.  Militant atheism – unbridled hate for God and religion – grows unabashedly among Democrats.

We no longer have Rush Limbaugh to give us his daily reminder of what the left is doing to America, but we remember his lessons well. 

We have the strong voice of Mark Levin on his weekend program, Life, Liberty and Levin on Fox News Channel.  For those who may have missed his April 24, 2021 show, I am excerpting below a portion of his powerful monologue:

“We have allowed others to define who we are as people.  They slander our ancestors, trash our founding documents and their statues.  They hate the country in which they live and contribute nothing to its betterment. 

“They are reprobates. They live off the sweat and toil of others while pursuing a destructive and diabolical cause for our nation, undermining and sabotaging virtually every institution in our society. 

“The bravery of our revolutionaries … Jefferson, Adams and Franklin, and so many others … have been smeared and degraded by the American left in the Democrat Party in their move to occupy the oval office.

“Their ideology and world view are based on the arguments of the man, ultimately Karl Marx, whose writings are responsible for the enslavement and impoverishment, torture and death of untold millions.

“This is a hard fact despite the predictable protestations.  These are the useful idiots who take those positions of the Democrat Party into our culture, media and academia.  We are surrounded by them.” – Mark Levin, Life, Liberty and Levin

Perhaps many of you are thinking that referring to “Old Uncle Joe” as a Marxist is a bit too strong.  Don’t be fooled. President Biden isn’t the same Joe Biden of the past.

He has no qualms with calling you racist, and accusing America of systemic racism as his party supports the Marxist-founded Black Lives Matter movement, that raised some $90 million by extorting corporations and easily-swayed Americans.

Then there’s Vice President Harris, who, when asked to comment on Sen. Tim Scott’s remark that. “America is not a racist country,” couldn’t simply agree and leave it there.  She said, “I don’t think America is a racist country, BUT we also do have to speak truth about the history of racism in our country and its existence today,” and adding that she applauds the president “for always having the ability and the courage to speak the truth (about racism in America.)”

REP. JAMES CLYBURN, who is often credited with Joe Biden getting the Democrat nomination, didn’t exactly enthuse the “everything is racist” crowd when he, too, repudiated the notion that America is a racist nation, calling it a red herring, according to Jeff Charles, writing in Red State.

But Clyburn, too, felt compelled to add that there are still racists in the country.

CRITICAL RACE THEORY will soon find its way into more curriculums in our colleges, universities, high schools and even elementary schools as white students are indoctrinated to believe that white supremacy is behind racism.

FINALLY, Republicans cannot tolerate the back-biting of Rep. Liz Cheney in her leadership role in the House Republican Caucus.  She survived an attempt to remove her earlier this year, but it appears Rep. Steve Scalice and Rep. Jim Banks are tired of her continued distractions, including appearances on leftist media news shows, according to Red State’s Bonchie

CHENEY GREETS BIDEN (Courtesy of Axios)

Typically, Republicans are eager to move forward and present a unified front, but she isn’t helping matters as she continues to selfishly fight battles that aren’t being fought anymore.  And, did you notice that Cheney, wearing a bright blue suit, didn’t actually sidle up to Biden as he entered the chamber to speak?  She knew she would be seen a la Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee. That didn’t help her cause.

Members of the House need to grow a backbone and remove Cheney from her leadership position.

Now, more than ever … may God continue to bless the United States of America.