Scrap the Embarrassing Home Spun Folklore Tales, Joe


“OLD JOE” decided to meet the press Friday morning to put the left’s spin on the lousy jobs report of 266,000 jobs added in April.  He said he wanted to put the report into perspective.  “After listening to commentators today, you might think that we should be disappointed.  When we came into office, we were facing a once in a generation economic crisis.  Quite frankly, we’re moving more rapidly than I thought we would.”

The press, and those of you who couldn’t get to the remote, were again treated to folklore from his Scranton days.  I’m not sure if his speech writer likes to weave in “Old Joe’s” stories about his dad, or the prez goes off the teleprompter to repeat one of his childhood tales, like we old farts do from time to time.

Here’s an excerpt from the press conference as he attempted to respond to the majority opinion that American workers are forgoing a return to work since Biden’s is paying them to stay home, a handout that doesn’t expire until September:

“The idea that they don’t want to work, most middle class, working class people that I know, think the way my dad did.  He used to say, and I know I am repeating myself, but I‘m going to continue to because I think it’s critical.  ‘A job is a lot more than a paycheck,’ he’d say. ‘Joey, it’s about your respect, your dignity, your place in the community.’ More than a paycheck, it’s people’s pride, it’s about being able to look your child in the eye and say, ‘Honey, it’s going to be okay.’ I’ve never forgotten these folks I grew up with.

“I think about them every day as president.  They didn’t have a lot of money, but they busted their necks, their whole lives, to take care of their families.  And all they wanted was a shot, a fair shot of making it.”

“Old Joe” tells that story over and over.  Is he so ignorant that he doesn’t understand that he’s providing an incentive to those middle-class workers not to work?  His dad would be embarrassed that Joey didn’t comprehend his viewpoint – ‘It’s about respect, your dignity, your place in the community.  It’s about being able to look your child in the eye.”

YOU’VE ALREADY HEARD, I am sure, that our faithful Catholic president, Joe Biden, left out any mention of God, Jesus or Christianity from his National Day of Prayer proclamation Thursday, but I feel compelled to comment, because it’s just the latest attempt by the left to take God out of our lives.


While Biden frequently referred to the power of prayer, he used it as a means to address racial justice and climate change. Further evidence of the impact of the radical input Biden accepts.

In 2020, President Trump spoke of God, religion and Christianity a number of times in his National Prayer Breakfast speech, concluding with, “Let us ask Father in Heaven to guide our steps, protect our children, and bless our families.  And with all our heart, let us forever embrace the eternal truth that every child is made equal by the hand of almighty God. Thank you, God, bless you, and God bless America.”

In 2018, President Trump said, “Let us come together, all according to their faiths, to thank God for His many blessings and ask for His continued guidance and strength.”

In 2015, President Obama said, “Through prayer we find the strength to do God’s work.  On this day, let us give thanks for the many blessings God has bestowed upon our nation.”

Thanks to the research by Sarah Taylor, Blaze Media published the National Prayer Day messages of God given by all presidents, Republican and Democrat, dating back to President Truman’s “Beseech God to grant us wisdom to know the course which we should follow,” in 1952.

THE REV. FRANKLIN GRAHAM said he was “deeply saddened to read that President Biden was the first president to omit the word of “God” in his proclamation.  That speaks volumes doesn’t it?”

In an effort to take the onus off Biden, Graham allowed that someone on the president’s staff wrote it and maybe didn’t run it by him,” adding that he “didn’t think Joe Biden would have approved that one.”

Not believable, Reverend Graham.

Now, more than ever … may God continue to bless the United States of America.