House Radicals Emboldened by Biden’s Weakness


BIDEN MADE HIS BED, now he must lay in it.  Signing a host of executive orders and memorandums written by the MOB, those radicals who have commandeered the Democrat Party, Biden has emboldened them to push him even further to the left.

Speaking of the current clash between Israel and Hamas, Rep, Rashida Tlaib insisted during an interview Monday on MSNBC, “Enough, President Biden, you will not do this on our watch.  You have to speak out against this violence in a very aggressive way that holds Netanyahu and his leadership accountable.”

That followed her tweet @RashidaTlaib: “Apartheid-in-chief Netanyahu will not listen to anyone asking nicely.  He commits war crimes and openly violates international law.”


It continued on the tarmac at the Wayne County Airport in Detroit upon Biden’s arrival to speak at a Ford facility.  Critical of Biden and the State Department’s handling of the conflict between Israel and Hamas, Tlaib confronted Biden. Though the exchange was not heard by the media, reportedly the pair were engaged in a tense conversation of roughly eight minutes duration. At one point, Rep. Debbie Dingell, a more moderate Democrat, seemed to be refereeing the confrontation.

Early in Biden’s speech, apparently straying from the teleprompter, he shouted, “Where’s Rashida?” Spotting her, Biden said, “I tell you what, Rashida, I want to say to you that I admire your intellect.  I admire your passion, and I admire your concern for so many other people.  From my heart, I pray that your grandma and family are well.  I promise you, I’m going to (do) everything to see that they are on the West Bank.  You’re a fighter, and God thank you for being a fighter.”

As I listened to Biden praise Tlaib, I imagined what my readers were thinking. They have already heard enough from this anti-American and her cohorts, and now they witness a president who lacks the confidence to take a stand against her.

But Tlaib isn’t alone; she has the support of Representatives Ocasio-Cortez, Omar and Pressley.  “Apartheid states aren’t democracies,” said AOC, “The president stated that Israel has a right to self-defense … but do Palestinians have a right to survive?”  She continues to support Hamas.

Last week, in a speech on the floor of the House, Representative Pressley ridiculously compared her concern for the Palestinian people with her fight for those seeking to build a nation here where black lives matter.

“Last summer, when Black Lives Matter protestors took to the streets to demand justice, they were met with force.  They faced tear gas, rubber bullets, and a militarized police just as our Palestinian brothers and sisters are facing in Jerusalem today,” she said.

These representatives took an oath of office to defend America.  In my mind there’s little room for sympathy for their considered homeland.

AND FINALLY: Those Not-So-Hidden Taxes

Surely, you’ve noticed how prices have gone up on everything since Biden and Harris took office.  They’re often referred to as hidden taxes, but that’s foolish.

Groceries have gone up 2.6 percent; bacon alone has gone up 10.7 percent over the past 12 months.  Eating at home has gone up 3.3 percent and eating out has gone up 3.7 percent since last May.

Gasoline has generally gone up 49.6 percent over the past 12 months.

Lumber prices have gone up and affects the do-it-yourselfers as much as those building a new home.  The cost of an average single-family home has risen $36,000 due to the cost of lumber.  Steel products have gone up 18 percent and copper up 11 percent.

If you are traveling again, you probably noted that air fares are up 23 percent since May of 2020 and car rentals are up 82 percent.

While we don’t believe the president when he says his proposed tax plan will not affect those earning less than $400,000, we are already seeing our incomes decline as we make our everyday purchases.

Now, more than ever … may God continue to bless the United States of America.