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THE BIGGEST THREAT we face today is again climate change, replacing white supremacy in the blink of an eye.  At least that’s what President Green Jeans told a gathering of troops in the UK last week.


We are now two and a half years closer to Rep. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez’s January 2019 prediction that man-made climate change will “destroy the planet” in a dozen years if we don’t address the issue, no matter what the cost.

Some progress is being made in the development and use of renewable sources, according to Frances Menton, commenting on a report issued by REN21: Renewables Now, an organization that makes it its business to track and report on the world’s progress in converting to renewables. 

However, the former New York bartender (AOC) wouldn’t find the news promising.

REN21 reported that in the ten-year period ending 2019, the use of fossil fuels as a percent of total energy consumption, declined a measly 0.1 percent – from 80.3 percent to 80.2 percent, while use of renewables went up only marginally, from 8.7 percent to 11.2 percent.

Finding a means of renewable energy to produce steel, power long-haul tractor trailer trucks and fly airplanes still confound the greenies.

Wake up President Green Jeans.  “We are waking up to the bitter reality that the climate promises over the past 10 years have mostly been empty words,” according to Rana Adib, REN21’s executive director.  “The share of fossil fuels in final energy consumption has not moved an inch.”

Decades of subsidies in the hundreds of billions of dollars from the government have done essentially nothing to reduce the use of fossil fuels.

HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED what happens to the millions of dollars in cash recovered among the drugs and weapons seized in those border drug busts?


It occurred to me when I heard of Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s plan to finish the border fence to help stem the flow of drugs, human trafficking and routine illegal border crossings.

While he plans to do so using Texas taxpayer funds and public donations, why couldn’t he use the currency seized in drug busts?  He could, with the cooperation of local border agencies, who normally use the funds to purchase vehicles and equipment.

I understand that up to 70 percent of the seized cash and assets go to the local agency making the bust, with 30 percent going to the office of the district attorney.

However, if a federal agency makes a seizure, the cash goes into an asset forfeiture fund at the Department of Justice or Treasury, depending on the federal ties of the agency making the bust.  Local agencies assisting with a bust can apply for a portion of the funds.

“PROGRESSOPHOBIA,” the newest word to be added to our vocabulary, was called to our attention by none other than late-night comedian/commentator Bill Maher, crediting Harvard psychologist Steven Pinker, who says it’s “a brain disorder that strikes liberals and makes them incapable of recognizing progress.”

The word could be appropriately applied to Democrats, who speak of systemic racism while failing to recognize the significant progress that has been made among blacks in the past several decades; progress chronicled in the writings of Thomas Sowell, Shelby Steele, John McWhorter, and Robert Woodson.

AND FINALLY, I would be remiss if I failed to recognize the important contributions made by our fathers.  Happy Father’s Day.

Now, more than ever … may God continue to bless the United States of America.