From My Stack of Stuff


HE’S BAAAACK – Yes, Kramerontheright is back after a brief respite, shuffling  through the stack of stuff for topics to consider for commentary.

Mrs. Kramer and I flew to Minnesota for a long-awaited family visit, skirting downtown Minneapolis, a city I once enjoyed visiting while employed by Honeywell.

It wasn’t until we returned home that the Minneapolis city council voted to reduce the police department’s budget by $8 million, while violent crimes are up 25.7 percent since last year. Makes sense.

(Vector stock)

That money will now go toward the city’s Office of Violence Prevention, where the city believes a team of mental health professionals will be better equipped to respond to crises without the aid of police.  The office’s budget will increase to $6.7 million from $1.5 million.

I wonder how long it will be before one of those mental health professionals, presumably unarmed, is assaulted by someone on the edge.

The council’s bid to cut the police force from 888 to 750 in 2022 failed, as did the attempt to eliminate the police department all together, as some council members backtracked on their pledge.

“The additional funding for new public safety solutions will allow the city to continue upscaling important mental health, non-police response, and social service components in our emergency response system, “ said Mayor Jacob Frey.

Meanwhile, Linea Palmisano, chair of the council’s budget committee, voiced concern “that we are reducing our city’s ability to respond to 911 calls, and do investigations well.”

Steven Belton, president of the Twin Cities Urban League Chapter, views the cuts to the police budget “misguided” and “misinformed.”

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THE POWER-HUNGRY Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, still eager to hang former President Trump with responsibility for inciting the January 6, 2021 assault on the Nation’s Capitol, simply couldn’t permit the outspoken Republican Representatives Jordan and Banks to serve on her “investigative” committee.

Calling her action an “unprecedented step” and an “egregious abuse of power,” Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy vowed not to replace them with representatives that might meet with her approval.

RINO Rep. Liz Cheney, who has been critical of Trump, agreed to serve on the committee.

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FUTURE DEMOCRATS – Democrats generally believe that the Biden-Harris administration’s open borders policy will pave the way for more Democrat voters in the future.

Of course, there a couple of factors in their way.  States are currently tightening voter regulations, requiring voter-ID, clamping down on voting by mail, and ballot harvesting.

Inserting an amnesty clause in legislation will be blocked by Republicans.

In a prediction by the Princeton Policy Advisors, more than 1.8 million illegal immigrants are expected to cross the southern border this year making it the “worst ever” on record.

If Biden expects current Latino residents, who have become citizens the right way, to vote Democrat based on the open border policy and the plethora of handouts to illegals, he is misguided.

Without prompting, our driver home from the airport, told us how he and his wife became citizens legally, and expressed disgust with what’s happening on the border.  A Trump supporter, he offered comment on all of the “good things” he did.

(Photo Courtesy Fox News)

IS IT ANY WONDER why conservative anchors and reporters continue to comment on President Biden’s mental capacity to be president?  His performance on the CNN townhall was pathetic.  CNN water-carrier Don Lemon, standing face-to-face with Biden just a few feet apart, witnessed the confused president struggle to put a sentence together.  You just know what was going through Lemon’s mind. Yet, CNN will continue to support the “crabby grandpa.”


I ASSUME YOU’VE HEARD about all of the “dead” cars sitting in manufacturer lots waiting for semi-conductor chips.  Several plants in Indiana, Michigan and Mexico will halt production.  It’s reminiscent of Boeing’s need to park it’s production of 737 Max jets while engineers solved the flight control problem.

I was somewhat surprised to learn that the auto industry makes up less than nine percent of chip demand, but it’s an industry employing more than 10 million people globally, and that hasn’t escaped those concerned with the shortage.

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GIVEN A CHOICE, 56 percent of voters would support a candidate who said abortion should be allowed only during the first three months of a pregnancy, according to Scott

Now, more than ever … may God continue to bless the United States of America.