Biden Atempt to Blame Trump Failed in Virginia


Surely, you’ve heard how the McAuliffe for Governor campaign in Virginia tried to tie their Republican opponent Glenn Youngkin to former President Trump.

During President Biden’s campaign appearance for Terry McAuliffe, he mentioned Trump more than 24 times in his 17-minute stump speech.

During a brief Q&A Wednesday, after making remarks on Covid injections for kids, Fox’s Peter Doocey asked him why he referred to Trump so many times in his Virginia speech.

“Because the issues he supports are affecting their lives every day and they’re a negative impact on their lives in my view,” Biden responded.

It would have been interesting if he could have been asked to elaborate on that statement, when in fact, it is Biden’s reversals of Trump policies that have caused those negative impacts.

Shutting down the Keystone XL pipeline and drilling has resulted in the loss of our energy independence.  Now Biden is begging OPEC to produce more oil and gas as prices at the pump continue to rise.  Biden says there’s nothing he can do.

It was Biden’s refusal to accept the Trump plan for getting out of Afghanistan that resulted in 13 American deaths and numerous injuries, many critical, that had a negative impact, certainly on their families.

His handling of the Covid situation, with mandates, has made an already unsettled job market worse.

It was Biden who caused the bipartisan infrastructure bill to be held hostage over his massive spending for social programs while concerns of inflation are impacting people.

Blaming Trump is not only getting old, it isn’t working.

ECHOING MY THOUGHT – PJ Media pundit Matt Margolis was also taken aback by Vice President Harris’ remark while campaigning for Terry McAuliffe, when she told voters in Virginia that “what happens in Virginia will, in large part, determine what happens in 2022, 2024 and on.” 

“Kamala will regret those words after Tuesday night,” he wrote, echoing my comment that a seasoned politician would never have admitted the possibility of losing, let alone that it would be a bell weather election.

IN VIEW OF THE LEFTIST MEDIA’S failure to report what happened in the Virginia election, I thought it called for repeating Jim Treacher’s quote of August 18, 2014:

“Modern journalism is all about deciding which facts the public shouldn’t know because they might reflect badly on Democrats.”

Joy Reid, host of MSNBC’s “The Reid Out,” was quick to exclaim that Democrat losses in Virginia are “essentially the result of white supremacy,” while stating that “Republicans are dangerous; they’re dangerous to our national security,” adding that Republicans were stoking white nationalism that eventually “leads to hardcore stuff.”

Winsome Sears, a Republican, who became the first black woman to win a statewide position in the Commonwealth, as lieutenant governor, challenged Reid to invite her on her show.

Appearing with Reid, Nicole Wallace insultingly referred to Glenn Youngkin as the “Trump insurrection-endorsed candidate.”  She is as obsessed with Trump as is President Biden.


Now, more than ever … may God continue to bless the United States of America.