The Gullible Among Us Believe We Can Alter Climate Change


“Combating climate change and slowing the rate at which Earth warms will mean transitioning away from fossil fuels, the major source of greenhouse gas emissions.”

Those were the words of Melissa Quinn and Kathryn Watson, who collaborated on a piece about the social spending and climate bill recently sent over to the Senate.  Scientists?  No.  Opinion writers?  No. They’re young reporters for CBS News digital, supporting the Biden administration’s climate agenda.

“As written,” Quinn and Watson claim, “the plan would cut more than a gigaton of greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, a roughly 50 percent reduction compared to 2005 levels.”  Coincidentally, President Biden’s stated goal.

Unfortunately, there are too many uninformed Americans who believe the propaganda fed to them by the so-called mainstream media.  People like Maggie Kraft, of Tempe, Arizona, who wrote to the editor of the left-leaning Arizona Republic – “America, it’s high time we kept all of our climate promises.”

The near $2 trillion bill, passed out of the House by a 220 to 213 margin after weeks of arm-twisting by Nancy Pelosi and President Biden, contains $555 billion for climate and clean energy “investments.”

While Biden has already taken away the pride we once had in being energy independent, he now thinks he can wean us off fossil fuels by allowing the price at the pump to continue to rise, making it too expensive.

The bill he hopes to get through the Senate provides up to $12,500 in incentives to Americans who purchase an electric car produced by a union manufacturer, a provision being contested by non-union Tesla and Toyota. 

Even with the incentive, it is generally conceded that the high sticker price on electric cars will limit purchases to higher-income people.

Although it has not been revealed by the leftist media, in the infrastructure bill, Biden only got $7.5 billion of the $15 billion he originally said would permit him to build the first-ever national network of charging stations across the country.  Hardly enough to convince us to go electric.

We would need 2.4 million charging stations by 2030 if about 36 percent of new car sales were electric, a far cry from Biden’s 50 percent target, according to the International Council on Clean Energy.

Biden’s handlers seem to have convinced him that by moving us off fossil fuels, he will be credited with moving America into some kind of green nirvana, with no more worries about CO2 emissions and the resultant climate changes.

His well-heeled advisors, like John Kerry and Jennifer Granholm, know better. They know the generation of sufficient power from windmills and solar panels to meet his 2030 goal, even 2040 or 2050, is a pipe dream.

The more gullible among us have been convinced by a complicit media that the goal is reasonable, and we need to do this to stop those disastrous hurricanes, floods and wildfires caused by climate change. While Biden cripples our oil and gas industries, China and India, enabled by fossil fuels to produce their products, will command the marketplace.

“We are now in the midst of the greatest social engineering experiment ever foisted off on the American people,” noted Gary Anderson, writing in The American Spectator. “If conservatives and Republicans do not put brakes on it in the next few years, it will do irrevocable damage to our society and our economy.

COP26: The Glasgow Summit

The reviews are in and I thought I would share a few with you.

“If there is one thing the world should take away from the Glasgow COP26 summit, it’s that the most dangerous greenhouse-gas emission come from the front ends of politicians, not the back end of cows.  Pandering is much more dangerous to human civilization than methane, strategic incompetence a graver threat than CO2; and dysfunctional establishment groupthink will likely kill more polar bears than all of the hydrofluorocarbons in the world.” – Walter Russell Mead, Wall Street Journal

“No amount of fake happy talk in the so-called ‘Glasgow Climate Pact’ can obscure the obvious fact that nobody agreed to anything. To read the text of the ‘pact,’ everybody claims to think that this whole ‘decarbonization’ thing to ‘save the planet’ is real.  We’re all going to do something really, really significant, but it will be next year, or maybe the year after that.” – Francis Menton, Manhattan Contrarian

“The latest global climate confab ended in Glasgow having produced little of consequence.  How could it have done otherwise?  The conferees who warn that the Apocalypse is nigh absent draconian energy policies are disconnected from political and economic reality.” Wall Street Journal Editorial Board

“The fact that a sitting president of the United States could tell an international audience that civilization as we know it will end if we do not adopt his deranged climate change policies immediately goes beyond incredible and drifts into fantasy.” – Gary Anderson, The American Spectator

And from the Climate Czar himself …

“We assembled both the team and tactics necessary to beat climate change.  Now we all have a choice.  We can bemoan that there still exists a gap between the world’s climate ambition and its concrete commitments, or we can work ferociously to close it.  It’s not too late to avoid the worst of a climate crisis.” – John Kerry

Finally, ponder this …

The COP26 agenda was supposed to discuss potential scientific solutions to climate change, so how did “the role of indigenous people” and “the gender impact” get included?

May God continue to bless the United States of America and save us from those who foist impossible goals upon us, needed they say, to save our planet.