Pelosi Has to Go, But Then You Know That


“What it is, it’s outrageous.  Obviously, it cannot continue.  But the fact is that there is an attitude of lawlessness in our country that springs from I don’t know where, maybe you do, and we cannot have lawlessness become the norm.”

That was Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s response to a media inquiry regarding San Francisco Mayor London Breed’s announced plan to crack down on criminal behavior, referencing smash-and-grab robberies and open-air drug use.

In a major turnabout, Breed is now calling for more policing to protect the safety of the people in San Francisco, after cutting $120 million from the budgets of the police and sheriff’s departments on July 31, 2021.  The funds, instead, would go toward investments in the African American community.

However, lamenting now about “all the bullshit that has destroyed our city,” Breed said she was implementing a new public safety approach to curb criminal behavior. “We are not a city where anything goes.”

Speaker Pelosi knows how the “attitude of lawlessness” sprung up in Democrat cities.  She just chose not to take on those radical progressives in her caucus.

Here’s what they were saying:

“The ‘defund the police’ movement is one of reimagining the current police system to build an entity that does not violate us, while relocating funds to invest in community services.” – Rep. Ilian Omar, June 9, 2020

“Detroit spent $294 million on police last year and $9 million on mental health. This is systematic oppression in numbers.” – Rep. Rashida Tlaib. June 4. 2020

“This is what happens when leaders sign blank check after check to militarize police.  We need answers.  And we need to defund.” – Rep. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, May 29, 2020

Silence at the Democrat Convention

During the three days of speeches at the Democrat National Convention in mid-August 2020, not one speaker mentioned the riots in their cities, including Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar.  While she talked about her declaring for the presidency in the middle of a blizzard along the banks of the Mississippi, there was no reference to the lawlessness in Minneapolis.

Rep. Bennie Thompson, playing a major role in the convention agenda, didn’t mention law and order either, yet today he heads up the House select committee investigating January 6.

Even John Kasich, who abandoned the Republican party to accept a speaking slot at the convention, also failed to surface the riots.  Instead, he asked supporters to “join with me in choosing a better way forward.”  Endorsing Joe Biden, Kasich said “I believe the best of America lies ahead.”

At that time, President Trump once again offered to send in National Guard troops after the 86th consecutive night of chaos in Portland, Oregon.  In July, he sent a contingent of the Guard to protect federal property, a decision denounced by the mayor and governor.

In June 2020, Trump offered the Guard to Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkin.  Appearing on CNN, she insisted there was no threat in the “Capital Hill Autonomous Zone,” and referred to a block party atmosphere that could turn into a “Summer of Love.”  That love fest resulted in an estimated $2 billion in damages to the city, and injuries to 60 police officers.

Should you need a reminder …

Appearing at the Republican National Convention in Minneapolis, President Trump placed the blame for crime mostly on Democratic leaders and told supporters to envision “your life under a Biden presidency, think of the smoldering ruins in Minneapolis, the violent anarchy of Portland, the bloodstained sidewalks of Chicago.”

SMASH-AND-GRAB … maybe I’ll have time to address that after the climate meeting.
(Evan Vucci, AP)

Biden’s inaction …

While Biden spent his first months in office reversing the policies of President Trump, law enforcement was not a priority, and it showed.  Six months into his presidency, the left-leaning poll of ABC News and the Washington Post, found that 48 percent of those surveyed disapproved of his handling of crime while 59 percent of Americans thought the issue was “extremely serious.”

Just three months later, his lack of interest in law enforcement was again evident as his approval rating on the handling crime dipped to 43 percent.

Now that the smash-and-grab lootings, car jackings and street assaults have increased, and his rating dipped again – to 36 percent – Democrats are getting a bit nervous, seeing it as a potential issue in the midterms.

“Just maybe, voters are starting to regret the consequences of electing progressives.” – Daniel Henninger, Wall Street Journal, December 16, 2021

Now, more than ever … may God continue to bless the United States of America.