Democrats’ Despicable Attempt to Gain One Party Rule


You probably heard the speeches and saw the candlelight vigil commemorating the one-year anniversary of the January 6, 2021 breach of the nation’s Capitol.

It was over-the-top leftist theatrics, beginning with Vice President Harris’ ridiculous comparison of that day with the day Pearl Harbor was attacked in 1941 and the day terrorists downed the World Trade Center buildings in 2001 … days “when our democracy came under assault,” she said.

President Biden followed with his belief that on that day our “democracy was attacked,” calling it an “armed insurrection,” before continuing his speech, laced with accusations of former President Trump, without mentioning his name.

“If you’re pro-democracy and pro-America, it’s hard to look at that speech and say, ‘Oh, it’s politically skewed.” NBC’s Chuck Todd in defense of “the best speech he has given as president,” denying it was partisan.

You just knew that the Democrats were mapping their plan to use the threat of losing our democracy to muster votes for the leftist voting rights bill.

During a December 26, 2021 interview on CBS Face the Nation, Harris was asked what national security issue keeps her awake at night.  Embarrassingly, she said, “Frankly, one of them is democracy – there is a need to fight (for) the integrity of our democracy.”

Although her response was heavily criticized, she chose to refer to the “fragility of democracy” in her January 6, 2022 remembrance speech to push for passage of the voting rights bill.  “Will it be remembered as a moment that accelerated the unraveling of the oldest, greatest democracy in the world, or a moment when we decided to secure and strengthen our democracy for generations to come?” she asked.

Using the January 6, 2021 breaching of the Capitol to ply his plan to nationalize voting rights in the coming days, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer hopes to persuade Senators Manchin and Sinema to go nuclear on the filibuster or embrace rule changes.  In keeping with the usual Democrat theatrics, Schumer wants action “to protect the foundation of our democracy: free and fair elections,” on or before Martin Luther King Jr. Day, January 17, 2022.

Condemning Democrats for invoking the anniversary of the January 6, 2021 Capital riot as a reason to consider changing the filibuster rule in order to pass voting rights legislation, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell claimed “It is beyond distasteful (despicable) for some of our colleagues to ham-fistedly invoke the Jan.6 anniversary to advance these aims.”

“No party that would trash the Senate’s legislation traditions can be trusted to seize control over election laws across America,” McConnell said on the Senate floor Wednesday. “Nobody who is this desperate to take over our democracy on a one-party basis can be allowed to do it.”

Recalling how the Capitol riot did not succeed in changing the electoral vote certification, McConnell said, “A year ago the Senate didn’t bend and it didn’t break.  We held strong.  It is jaw-dropping for colleagues to propose to commemorate that by breaking the Senate themselves in a different way.”

So, in the days ahead, look for the left, aided by George Soros’ Center for American Progress funding, to address the mythical threat to our democracy by charging Republicans with tales of voter suppression.

Even though while Vice President Harris has openly failed in her assignment to solve the immigration chaos on our southern border, President Biden gave her the job of getting the voting rights bill passed.  She won’t be addressing the problem at the root cause, because it would be too embarrassing for her party.

Among the wishes of her party is a plan for unrestricted voting by mail, more voting days, and lighter voter ID requirements, while nixing the clean-up of inactive voting rolls.

As I have asked here before, what ever happened to Election Day? The one day that for years patriotic Americans found a way to cast their vote between 7 a.m. and 8 p.m.

Now, more than ever … may God continue to bless the United States of America.