The ‘Crazy Season’ is Underway


With just 115 days until the midterm elections, we are now beginning to see stories based on outcome predictions for the House and Senate, and even though it is not a presidential election, “will he run” stories looking ahead to 2024 proliferate … about both Biden and Trump.

President Biden, who frequently says he doesn’t look at the polls, got all worked up over a poll indicating that 92 percent would vote for him against former President Trump if the election were today. However, that same poll revealed that 64 percent of Democrat primary voters don’t want him as their candidate, including 94 percent of those ages 18-29.


Just as the New York Times belatedly conceded in May that the story of Hunter Biden and his laptop was substantiated, giving the leftist media lemmings the go-ahead to write about it, with Peter Baker’s New York Times critical piece on Biden, they have now been given the green light to criticize Biden, beyond the gaffes.  Call attention to his age, his inability to complete a sentence, even with a teleprompter, and more. There’s no way the media will allow him to run again.

I stand behind my belief of a year ago when I blamed Jill Biden for allowing the party to nominate her husband. It was cruel.


Meanwhile, rumors abound about Trump announcing his decision before the midterms.  The former president has stated that he has made up his mind on whether to run in 2024.  He continues to tease the media saying that he “would win” if he ran and “voters will be happy” with my decision… whatever that means. The Washington Post reported that Trump confidants have urged him not to announce prior to the midterms

Cautioned not to announce his bid early, RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel and longtime advisor Kellyanne Conway, for fear he could be blamed for any Senate losses.  Sen. Lindsay Graham differs, saying “the sooner he gets in and talks about winning the next election, the better.”

Trump has indicated that he will speak at the GOP’s America First Summit in Washington DC on July 26, 2022.  He recently rallied for candidates in Alaska, and will return to Arizona for a rally in Prescott Valley for candidates he has endorsed for governor, Senate and House.

More craziness is turning up in the effort by Republicans to gain the majority in the U.S. Senate. 

The leftist AXIOS is claiming “Top Republicans, once confident about winning control of the Senate in the midterms, fear they’ll blow it after nominating several deeply flawed candidates in winnable states.”

Real Clear Politics, where Biden’s job approval is at 37.7 percent in their average, they remind readers that Republicans need to net just one seat to win control of the Senate in Sean Trende’s analysis, “Republicans Are Favored to Win the Senate.”

Wisconsin and Pennsylvania appear to be the only Senate races where Democrats are given a chance to win.  The big question is how Biden’s disapproval numbers will help the GOP in Georgia, Arizona and Nevada senatorial races.  Republican Joe O’Dea’s primary win in Colorado could be problem for Democrat incumbent Sen. Michael Bennet, who barely won in 2016.

Rasmussen Reports has begun its weekly findings of how the voting would go in the generic congressional ballot and on Friday found that Republicans have an eight-point lead in their bid to recapture Congress.

Fifty-four percent of whites, 24 percent of blacks and 41 percent of other minorities would vote Republican if the election were held today.  Fifty-three percent of voters ages 40-64 and 56 percent of those 65 and older would vote Republican.

Stay tuned.

May God continue to bless the United States of America.