Inflation and the Economy as Key Election Issues, but the Threat to Democracy, No


For months now, Biden and Democrats, with the aid of the leftist media, have repeatedly voiced the threat to democracy posed by Republicans.  It was in their talking points and repeated in every speech.

In all my years of following the political scene, I do not recall democracy or the threat of democracy, listed as an issue of voter concern in surveys leading up to an election.

The Democrat Party has obviously learned in focus groups that democracy, and Ultra MAGA, connect with the public.

They also follow Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, where Rule #10 informs that, “If you push hard enough, it will push through and become positive.”

From my years in marketing communications, I learned that repetition is the key to developing recall.  It’s used in marketing of a wide range of products, where studies have shown that people need to see a message, combined with frequency, at least seven times before it begins to sink in.

In Writing 101, repetition is often used to emphasize a point and make it memorable.  It adds to the powers of persuasion as studies show that repetition of a phrase can convince people of its truth.

At the heart of Nazi’s Third Reich, repetition was the essence of its propaganda.  Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi head of the Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda, was the recognized genius behind it.

Goebbels wasn’t faced with the 24-hour news cycle with its unbelievable content as we are today, yet he understood the mass mind was dull and sluggish, and for ideas to take root, they had to be constantly re-seeded.  He saw recognition, comprehension, retention and conviction as different stages in the cognitive process, and repetition can facilitate them.

With his reference to Goebbels view of the mass mind being dull and sluggish, a couple thoughts come to mind.  Of course, I recall how low-information voters were duped in 2020 when they limited their political knowledge to networks exclusively spouting their line of thinking, missing the revelation of Hunter Biden’s laptop and the Biden family corruption.  Then there’s the theory that voters don’t begin to get serious about the issues and candidates until Labor Day.

Repetition Works

Evidence of repetition success surfaced in FoxNews’ national survey this week, in which 50 percent of registered voters indicated that they were “extremely” concerned about the future of U.S. democracy, right behind inflation and higher prices at 59 percent.  Abortion trailed at 45 percent and high crime rates at 43 percent.

When voters were asked what issue will motivate them to get out and vote, however, inflation and high prices topped the list at 19 percent, abortion at 16 percent and the economy and jobs at 15 percent. Democracy didn’t register.

The Midterms

I would be surprised if my readers saw Republicans as a threat to democracy as the Democrat propaganda asserts, along with the insult of Trump supporters who wish to Make America Great Again.

Just 52 days to the midterms.  Stay strong.  Prepare to vote and restore true integrity to Congress.

May God continue to bless the United States of America.