News and Views on the Political Scene



While former President Trump currently has a wide lead looking ahead to 2024, and a majority of Americans have made it clear they don’t want President Biden to run again, I keep hearing that Biden would win again in a Trump-Biden general election. 

So, it’s memories of Trump’s behavior, often described as ‘not presidential,’ and his legal battles, against Biden’s age deficit and family ties to corruption being slow-walked by the Justice Department.

There are those who still think Biden will be replaced as the Democrat candidate, including Steve Forbes, but who would that be and how would that come about? It certainly wouldn’t be Vice President Harris.

Then there’s this from the blog NEO: “Many Democrats don’t want Biden to run, and say so in polls.  That doesn’t mean they wouldn’t vote for him if he does run.  It just means they prefer a Democrat who’s younger and more appealing. Many of them would also prefer someone they perceive as even more to the left of Biden.”

The AP-NORC Poll

Results show that 66 percent disapprove of the economy.  Who are among the 61 percent Democrats who approve?  On immigration, 67 percent disapprove, but 52 percent of Democrats approve.


Meanwhile, the left has its long knives out for all of the GOP candidates.  Black TV personalities like Joy Reid on MSNBC, and Whoopie Goldberg and Sunny Hostin on ABC’s The View wasted no time in criticizing Sen. Tim Scott’s candidacy with no fear of racism cries.

You would have thought Ron DeSantis’s campaign was finished when his decision to announce his candidacy on Twitter with Elon Musk encountered a 20-minute silence due to heavy demand on the site.

The GOP Choice

Regular readers may recall that I believe Trump could win again if he would cease talking about the past …. how the last election was stolen, and concentrate on his view of the future.

Opinion writer Jon Gabriel seems to think that’s not going to happen, and is endorsing DeSantis:

“Do Republicans want to keep whining about stolen elections, losing court cases and making up conspiracy theories?  Or do they want to support a president improving the economy, fixing the border, and reducing governmental interference in their daily lives?

“If conservative voters want to win again, the obvious choice is Ron DeSantis.  If they want to keep wallowing in the culture of losing, well, that choice is obvious as well.”

No One Cares, Bill

Some time ago, I wrote how Bill Kristol had gone over the edge, abandoning the majority view of the Republican Party and conservatism, and embarking on an anti-Trump movement of his own.  Leaving behind his contributions to National Review and his own Weekly Standard, Kristol took his agenda to Twitter.

In March 2020, Kristol endorsed Joe Biden for the presidency after flirting with Hillary Clinton’s candidacy in 2016 when he couldn’t interest a handful of his favorites to run.

In May 2020, Kristol founded Republican Voters Against Trump, an offshoot of Defending Democracy Together.

Writing @BillKristol, here’s his latest attack on Trump’s continued effort to drain the swamp of the Deep State: “Obviously strongly prefer normal democratic and constitutional politics. But if it comes to it, prefer the deep state to the Trump state.”

Durham Follow-Up

While many of us see the Durham Report being swept under the rug, Rasmussen Reports learned that 63 percent of Americans believe that Trump was the target of a Hillary Clinton campaign orchestrated “hit” during the 2016 campaign.

Rasmussen reveals that 59 percent, six in 10, want those inside the FBI who promoted the false Trump claims in the scandal “criminally prosecuted.” Fat chance.

FBI Director Christopher Wray continues to deny the House Oversight Committee access to the document a whistleblower contends implicates President Biden in criminal activity.

The Debt Ceiling

I saved this space for late-breaking news on the debt ceiling negotiations, but alas Joe Biden’s vacation time interrupted the decision.

The Media

Commenting on the latest Harris-Harvard poll, columnist Glenn Greenwald wrote of how out of touch the liberal corporate media is with the views of Americans, stating “It’s not just that corporate media rejects American views … they don’t permit those views to be heard.”

May God continue to bless the United States of America.