I Remind You the Deep State is Alive and Dangerous


Rep. James Comer, chairman of the House Oversight and Government Accountability Committee, finally got a look at that document a whistleblower claimed contained information that then Vice President Biden was involved in a $5 million bribery scheme.

With the threat of a subpoena, FBI Director Christopher Wray allowed that the document could be viewed at the agency’s headquarters but they would not be permitted to take possession of it.  Democrat ranking member Rep. Jamie Raskin, who has a record of pressing two Trump impeachments, was also permitted to see the document.

The document is part of the FBI’s investigation of Hunter Biden’s taxes that has been ongoing since 2018, Comer believes.  The FBI has repeatedly argued that providing the full House committee to view the document could not only jeopardize the ongoing investigation, but put witnesses at risk. Yeah, right.

One can only assume that the document is damning to President Biden.  In question, is an FD-1023 unclassified internal document dated July 30, 2020, that Wray would have you believe that he never saw until Comer told him he knew what was in it.  The whistleblower, a highly credible source, had informed both Comer and Sen. Chuck Grassley about its existence.

Just like the Deep State protected Hillary Clinton after her serious mishandling of classified documents using a personal server, the FBI, with possession of the  Hunter Biden laptop since 2019, sat on it to protect candidate Biden in 2020. 

Fifty-one former career intelligence officers of the Deep State then signed that now infamous letter attesting to the Russian disinformation in the lap top just days before the 2020 election, allowing Biden to refute it in a debate.

Now, with the FD-1023 document, there is evidence of still another Deep State effort to protect President Biden. Comer and Grassley contend that it describes the money-laundering criminal scheme “involving Biden and a foreign national relating to the exchange of money for policy decisions.” 

Comer insists that the viewing did not fulfill the requirements of the subpoena and that he would be moving forward with holding Wray in contempt of Congress, and investigation by the House will continue.

As expected, the White House calls Comer’s the House effort a “silly charade; yet another reminder that his so-called investigations are political stunts not meant to get information, but to spread innuendo and falsehoods to attack the president.”

Now Ponder This

“I will be nominating Christopher A. Wray  to be the new director of the FBI. He is an impeccably qualified individual, and I know that he will again serve his country as a fierce guardian of the law and model of integrity once the Senate confirms him to lead the FBI.” – President Trump, June 7, 2017

And this … from another unfortunate Trump pick:

Chris combines a brilliant legal mind, outstanding accomplishments, and a proven record of public service.  We are fortunate that he is willing to make this personal commitment to serve his country at this important time.” – Attorney General Jeff Sessions, June 6, 2017

I repeat.  Wray has to go.

Recalling the criticism of Trump’s staff choices, I went to the archives and found these headlines”

“Trump boasts of hiring only the best, but picks haunt him” – Associated Press, April 13 2017

“What happened to the ‘best and most serious people’?” – The Hill, April 5, 2018

Yet, the former president continues to talk about hiring the best people and did so in his recent interview by Sean Hannity.  A mistake.

Then There’s This

Leave it to former White House hack, Jen Psaki, now with MSNBC, to get a comment from former disgraced FBI Director James Comey while he makes the rounds plugging his novel.  When the interview led to the 2024 election, Comey said, “Trump poses a near existential threat to the rule of law.”

With the former president’s promise to continue his effort to drain the swamp of the Deep State, Comey obviously recognizes that, in fact, Trump intends to return rule of law to the DOJ if reelected.  It worries establishment Washington.

Kramerontheright contends that the title of Comey’s memoir, “Higher Loyalty,” refers to his allegiance to the Deep State.

May God continue to bless the United States of America.