Obsertvations on the National Political Scene That Deserve Clarification


Accepting the November Outcome

Following Dana Bash’s debate inquiry of former President Trump whether he would accept the outcome of the election in November, political commentators on the left, at CNN, MSNBC, NPR, and elsewhere have parroted the question to his surrogates, if not Trump himself.

Kristen Welker, host of Meet the Press on NBC, was no exception.  On Sunday, she posed the question to North Dakota Governor Burgum, who is on the vice president short list.

“Donald Trump, at the end of his term on January 20th, left the White House,” said Burgum, “(with) a smooth transition.”

That caused Welker to interject, taking issue with his remark – “January 6th wasn’t exactly a smooth transition, Governor,” citing an event that took place two weeks earlier.  The left is determined to accuse Trump of inciting the events of January 6, despite the failure to indict him for insurrection.

Perhaps Welker has forgotten the Democrat response to a smooth transition for Trump in 2016, when California’s Rep. Ted Lieu proudly released a list of 55 House Democrats who would be boycotting Trump’s inauguration, with Georgia’s Rep. John Lewis declaring that Trump will not be a “legitimate president.”

Taking a Look Back

It seems as though President Biden isn’t the only one with a memory problem.

Welker and her colleagues would rather attack Trump than remind their viewers that Hillary Clinton, too, didn’t want to accept her loss in 2016. She couldn’t face thousands of dejected supporters in the Javits Center, sending John Podesta out at 2 a.m. to say it was too close to call, and for them to head home and get some sleep. 

Just 40 minutes later, however, CNN’s Dana Bash reported that Clinton had conceded to Trump.

But there was never any real Clinton acceptance of the outcome. 

“You can run the best campaign, you can even become the nominee, and you can have the election stolen from you.” – Hillary Clinton, May 2019

“There was a widespread understanding that this election (in 2016) was not on the level.” – Hillary Clinton, October 2020

Then, going into the 2020 Trump-Biden election, she advised Biden not to concede “under any circumstances.”

On the Court Decision

Within minutes of the Supreme Court’s decision on presidential immunity, the left was again predicting the end of the Republic.

During deliberation, even the government conceded before the Court that official acts did deserve protection from prosecution.  The issue was where to draw the line.  Despite careful consideration, the left has not only denounced the justices, but threaten them.

Connecticut’s Democrat Sen. Richard Blumenthal, assuming everyone will have forgotten how he was forced to apologize for his claim to have served in Vietnam, was one of the first senators to call foul.  He declared “my stomach turns with fear and anger that our democracy can be so endangered by an out-of-control court” and denounced six justices as “extreme and nakedly partisan hacks – politicians in robes.”

 In fact, Democrats have become the very threat the court was meant to resist. The Supreme Court was designed to be unpopular; to take stands that are politically unpopular, but constitutionally correct.

New York’s Sen. Chuck Schumer stood on the Court steps and verbally threatened two of the justices, Gorsuch and Kavanaugh.

Now, New York’s radical progressive Rep. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez claims she will seek the impeachment of all six conservative justices.

 Biden’s Belief

In a brief nationally televised appearance Monday night, President Biden needed a teleprompter to spew his ire on the Supreme Court decision, incorrectly claiming that “today’s decision almost certainly means that there are virtually no limits on what a president can do.  But any president, including Donald Trump, will now be free to ignore the law.”

Then, in campaign mode, he again accused former President Trump for the breaching of the Capitol, and essentially intimated his hope that Trump would be found guilty before the people vote.

He felt the need to close his statement with “May God help preserve our democracy.”

Let’s not forget that it was “Joe Democracy,” who on April 9, 2021, signed an executive order forming a Presidential Commission on the Supreme Court to provide an analysis of the principal arguments in the contemporary debate for and against reform, including its role in the Constitutional system, length of service and turnover.

It was his fulfillment of a campaign promise in response to Trump’s nominees to the Court, but you just know he was thinking, no doubt, that an expanded Court would give him a real chance to implement a legislative agenda, which would otherwise be mired in litigation due to conservative legal challenges.

The Court has handed Biden a number of defeats for his executive actions, including EPA rulings and student debt forgiveness, know his actions were unconstitutional.

Unless Biden wins in 2024 and the Democrats control the House and Senate, don’t expect any of the commission’s proposal to see daylight.

May God continue to bless the United States of America