More Humor from the Presidential Race


Not since Barack Obama’s presidential run in 2008 have I read such drivel as I did earlier this week when I read Dan Balz’s analysis column on Kamala Harris in the Washington Post.

But first, three Flashbacks

You may recall reading or hearing about New York Times faux conservative columnist David Brooks’ claim in 2008 that “Obama would be a tremendous president because of the sharp crease in his pants.”

In 2016, Brooks was back with “I Miss Barack Obama,” saying, “Obama radiates an ethos of integrity, humanity, good manners, and elegance that I am beginning to miss.

“Now, obviously, I disagree with a lot of his Obama’s policy decisions, and disappointed by aspects of his presidency,” while praising his “sense of basic humanity.”

Praising Obama for his “resilient sense of optimism,”  he noted that he exhibited “grace under pressure.”

Then there was Chris Mathews’ adoring comment while anchoring his show Hardball on MSNBC, that he got a “chill up his leg” when he heard Barack Obama speak in 2008.

That was Then.  Back to Balz

“As Democrats emerge from their electrifying convention,” writes Balz opening his column, “Kamala Harris has put Trump in a box,” saying she, “as a Black and Indian American woman, has pushed the white alpha male to the sidelines of the national conversation.”

He had to dig deep for this line to credit Harris with “delivering an address sculpted to keep her on the crest of a wave that has changed the contours of the presidential election.”

Harris Charts a “New” Way Forward

Notice the similarity of words chosen by Harris in her acceptance speech.

  “I will be the president who unites us around our highest aspirations. In unity there is strength.” Vice President Harris’s DNC speech

“I know speaking of unity can sound to some like a foolish fantasy.  History, faith, and reason show the way, the way of unity. For without unity, there is no peace, only bitterness and fury.  Unity is the path forward.” President Biden, Inaugural Address

“I want you to know: I promise to be a president for all Americans.” – Vice President Harris’s DNC speech

“I pledge this to you: I will be a president for all Americans.” President Biden, Inaugural Address

Rules for Thee, Not Me

In her “New” Way Forward, Harris mistakenly reserves the privilege of attacking former President Trump, while he is expected to treat the first black woman presidential candidate “with respect and dignity.”  Harris isn’t the first woman he’s faced, who thinks she should be treated differently, while she slings accusations. 

Thanks to the DNC for inviting Hillary Clinton to speak.  We were again reminded of the bullet we dodged by defeating her in 2016.

“I accept your nomination for president of the United States of America,” said Harris. “With this election, our nation has a precious, fleeting opportunity to move past the bitterness, cynicism, and divisive battles of the past.

She then followed with:

“Donald Trump is an unserious man.  The consequences of putting Donald Trump back in the White House are extremely serious. Bitterness?

Trump sees this election as one of the most important, if not the most important, election in our nation’s brief history.  He will continue to remind voters that Harris could have been – for the past three and a half years – doing the things she now promises to do on Day One.  

The Only Humor Here …

… comes from Tim Walz, Harris’s running mate resembling W.C. Fields, who can’t shed his goofiness as he leaps across a campaign platform as if he’s auditioning for a role as Gene Kelly in a reprise of “Singing in the Rain.”  And he calls J. D. Vance “weird.”

W.C.” WALZ and coin.

… the rest is serious

Walz has already become known for his “make believe” role as a Command Sergeant Major in the Minnesota National Guard.  He never earned the rank, but it didn’t stop him from having the symbol of rank on his challenge coin, a fairly new tradition used by the military to feature insignia, mottos or identity.

He also led Americans to believe he carried an AR15, a weapon of war, in combat, though he never served in a conflict.

Congress is currently looking into Walz’s thirty plus visits to China, and misinformation he shared about life there to students in foreign travel.

May God continue to bless the United States of America.