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THE LIFE OF TIM WALZ, Vice President Harris’s running mate, has become an open book; surely, it’s something he expected when he accepted the role.

Like me, perhaps you have already heard enough to recognize that he is not national leadership material.  You have probably heard about his statement that led people to believe he carried an AR-15 in combat and his claim of attaining the rank of Command Sergeant Major in the National Guard, but his actions as governor are just beginning to come to light.

There are mixed reviews on his performance as governor, including his actions during the so-called George Floyd riots of 2022, while Minneapolis was in flames; his spending plan for Minnesota included consuming much of the state’s budget surplus, and what was behind those 30 plus trips to China?

His signing into law last year a requirement that schools will offer “ethnic studies“ courses that includes elementary and middle schools as well as high schools.  It is described as an “interdisciplinary study of race, ethnicity, and indigeneity, emphasizing “perspectives of people of color.”  Walz is a “Wokester.”

EVER WONDER how many people read or hear corrections and apologies after hearing the initial lie?  Like those printed in small type buried inside below the fold. 

It came to mind when I read that Judy Woodruff, one of the bleeding-heart liberals at PBS, apologized on air for reporting that former President Trump had allegedly encouraged Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu to put off peace talks until after the election in belief that a deal could help Democrat Harris’s campaign.

“This was a mistake, and I apologize for it,” Woodruff said.

Meanwhile, the media continues to lie about Trump’s plan to follow the guidelines of Project 2025.

PBS and other left-leaning outlets rebuked Vice President Harris for mischaracterizing former President Trump’s position on abortion in her DNC acceptance speech, accusing him of planning to enact a nationwide abortion ban with or without Congress.

“Not true, NPR reported: Trump himself has said that abortion should be left up to the states – and insisted that he doesn’t support a national ban.,”

“Abortion may not be a winner for Democrats this fall,” according to Wall Street Journal columnist Jason L. Riley.

ON THE SUBJECT OF ABORTION, two women with opinions similar to mine, made them known in letters to the editor of the Journal:

“I submit there is no American dream without babies.  When Democrats talk about ‘reproductive freedom’ to end a pregnancy, they’re forgetting someone.” – Christine Caprio, Pittsburgh

“We need not call abortion ‘reproductive freedom,’ which it is not.  This is a euphemism, like calling the homeless ‘unhoused’ and illegal immigrants ‘undocumented.”  Abortion is taking a life.” – Randa Pearson, Long Beach, California

“MY VALUES HAVEN’T CHANGED” was Harris’s response to Dana Bash’s inquiry over the vice president’s series of flip flops on major issues.  Assuming that honesty, integrity, and trust were values she cherished, I wondered about her statement, “I will always stand up for Israel’s right to defend itself,” given her remarks on a ceasefire and, regrettably, her snub of Prime Minister Netanyahu’s address to a joint session of Congress.”

ON THE SUBJECT OF FOREIGN POLICY, I learned last week that Phil Gordon, who served on President Clinton’s national security council, is now Harris’s top national security advisor.

I found it interesting that the backgrounder revealed that Gordon was opposed to the Biden withdrawal plan for Afghanistan, the plan that Harris, the last person in the room, approved. He moved for a small residual force that could keep the Taliban at bay, preserving rights for women and avoiding a refugee crisis.

Gordon’s future with Harris, should she win the presidency, is in question.

TRUMP WITH GOLD STAR FAMILIES at Arlington (Photo gov/cox)

HAVE YOU HEARD that Harris condemned Trump for ”disrespecting sacred ground, all for the sake of a political stunt” after several Gold Star families had invited him to participate in the wreath laying ceremony in remembrance of the 13 service men and women who were killed during the Afghan withdrawal?

While Biden and Harris have yet to speak with the families, they continue to try to paint Trump as disrespectful of the military. About those values Harris said she still holds …. obviously “respect” was not one of them.

IN HARRIS’S SPEECH at the DNC convention, she said, “I will make sure that we lead the world into the future of artificial intelligence ….”  Does her following statement to a group of labor union and civil rights leaders last July give you confidence in her ability to bring that about?:

“I think the first part of this issue that should be articulated  is AI is a kind of a fancy thing. First of all, it’s two letters.  It means artificial intelligence, but ultimately what it is, is it’s about machine learning.

“And so, the machine is taught – and part of the issue here what information is going into the machine that will then determine – and we can predict then, if we think about what information is going in, what then will be produced in terms of decisions and opinions that may be made through the process.

“So, to reduce it down to the most simple point, this is part of the issue that we have here is thinking about what is going into as decision, and then whether that decision is actually legitimate and reflective of the needs and the life experiences of all the people.

Got that?

I WAS REMINDED of Harris’s now infamous remarks made in Louisiana a couple years ago during a meeting with Gov. John Bel Edwards about efforts to extend high-speed internet to small towns:

The Governor and I and we were all doing a tour of the library here and talking about the significance of the passage of time.  Right?  The significance of the passage of time.  So when you think about it, there in great significance to the passage of time in  terms of what we need to do to lay these wires, what we need to do create these jobs. 

“And there is such great significance to the passage of time when we think about a day in the life of our children and what that means to the future of our nation, depending on whether or not they have the resources they need to achieve their God-given talent.

The significance of the passage of time phrase was such an important point, Harris said it four times in 30 seconds.

IN A WALL STREET JOURNAL op-ed by Julian Epstein, who once served in the House of Representatives as chief counsel to the judiciary committee, he took note of Harris’s off-script remarks as “head-scratching soliloquies and nonsensical responses to simple questions.”

Known also as a Democrat strategist, Epstein commented that “Many in the Harris camp believe they can ride the magic carpet of left-leaning media bias,” citing their coverage of the Hunter Biden laptop, the Steele dossier, and Covid lab leak stories, in which their bias was evident, that the party is banking on another hall pass for Harris.

FINALLY, a quote from lefty Bret Stephens in the New York Times: “The problem with Harris is that she’s a political chameleon.  Voters will want to figure out whether she’s a pragmatist (good), an opportunist (not good) or a phony (double plus ungood).  One way to find out is to insist that she sit down for some serious journalistic interviews and answer a few difficult questions.  I can think of some.”

May God continue to bless the United States of America.