Kamala Harris: The Left’s Pathetic Candidate


If you’re watching the polls, like me you probably find it hard to believe the presidential race is neck and neck, when Vice President Harris continues to unimpress.

Following her perceived debate win, a number of Americans thought it was all over, but the analysis clearly showed that she was aided by the ABC News moderators, who challenged former President Trump, while allowing her to avoid responding to questions.

While she did get a slight bump in the polls, by Thursday she had just a 1.3-point national lead on Trump, well within the margin of error.

In the Debate

“I want to begin tonight with the issue voters repeatedly say is their number one issue, and that it is the economy and the cost of living in this country,” said David Muir.  “Your opponent on the stage here tonight often asks his supporters, ‘are you better off than you were four years ago?’  When it comes to the economy, do you believe Americans are better off than they were four years ago?”

“So, I was raised as a middle-class kid.  I am actually the only one on this stage who has a plan that is about lifting up the middle class and working people of America.  I believe in the ambition, the aspirations, the dreams of the American people.” Harris begins.

She then says, “That’s why I imagine, and actually have a plan (which is it?) to build what I call an opportunity economy.”  And it includes more giveaways, while light on detail, especially how it will be paid for.

Sound Familiar?

In Pennsylvania on Friday, Harris appeared with Brian Taff, anchor of Action News 6 ABC.  Note, ABC again.  He asked what she would specifically do to bring down prices as president.

2024-All Bran, Wheaties $7 in my local Safeway.

“Well, I’ll start with this. I grew up as a middle-class kid. My mother raised my sister and me.  She worked very hard.”  But then went on about her neighborhood where people “were proud of their lawn.”

“We as Americans have beautiful character,” she continues. Everyone?  We have ambitions and aspirations and dreams.  Yatta, yatta, yatta.

Before concluding the interview, Taff gave Harris the opportunity to put some meat on the bone for voters to learn how she plans to move the country forward when he asked if there was “anything she wanted voters to know about her”

She stumbled.  Only thinking about herself when she could have told voters about her plan. “I don’t know, she began, “I mean, probably it’s not very different from anybody watching right now. I love my family, um, one of my favorite things that I have not been able to do is Sunday family dinner.  I love to cook. I have incredible friends.” 

There was more of this twaddle, but it tells you she would rather talk about herself than how she’s going to lead the country.

Noonan Comments

Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan, who thought Harris won the debate “shallowly, said “she won using feints and sallies and pieces of her stump speeches, not by attempting to be more substantive or revealing.”

Noonan continued, offering this advice to Harris:

“When you address questions in a straightforward way and reveal your thinking, you are showing respect.  You’re showing you trust people to give you a fair hearing and make a measured decision.  Voters can see it, and they appreciate it.  They feel the absence of these things, too, and don’t like it.

Although Noonan thought that Harris won the debate, she said Harris “was often evasive and full of clever, and not-so-clever dodges.  She got away with a lot of highly rehearsed glibness and often seemed slippery … in politics slipperiness doesn’t wear well.”

And that goes for her delivery, too.  How can you take her seriously?  Her remarks are broken by laughter, as if to let you know she’s saying something she thinks is funny, all accompanied by her head bobbing and her hands waving as if she’s directing an orchestra. Are we to believe now that she is part Italian?

“I try to imagine words from her mouth and whether they show a mastery of risk and opportunity.  I have a hard time doing so.  It would be nice to hear her say a policy or issue-related  thing in a way that suggests a well-informed person looking realistically at the world.” – Holman W. Jenkins, Jr., Wall Street Journal columnist

CNN Fact Checks Harris

In a detailed report CNN’s politics reporter Daniel Dale wrote that the “Harris campaign social media account has repeatedly deceived with misleading edits and captions.”

Not Surprising …

… Goldman Sachs CEO David Soloman called Harris out for blowing out of proportion their analysis of her economic plan in the debate, but in Wilke’s Barre, knowing that, she repeated the claim that the firm had said her plan would “grow the economy while Trump’s plan would shrink the economy, reignite inflation and send us into a recession by the middle of next year.

The report came from an independent analyst, not employed by his firm, according to Soloman, who noted that Harris “left out key details, including that the difference between her plan and Trump’s was about two tenths of one percent.”

Of course, the leftist networks and publications, with their lazy faux journalists, didn’t report Soloman’s admonishment.

Harris also continues to use the Charlottesville story and misquote Trump on his use of the word “bloodbath,” knowing they have been widely refuted.

Swift Endorsement Backfires

Regular readers may recall that I found it inconceivable that Taylor Swift would base her decision to endorse Harris on her leadership creds having permitted thousands of unaccompanied children to disappear into the American landscape, many perhaps now involved in the sex traffic market.

On Saturday, the poll YouGov found that just eight percent found the pop star’s endorsement would see them “somewhat” or “much more likely” to vote for Harris.  A later YouGov poll found one in five of those surveyed would by less likely to voter for after the Swift endorsement.

Those “Republican” Endorsements

Harris’s boast of a list of Republicans who have endorsed her aren’t true Republicans in my mind, including Dick and Liz Cheney, Mitt Romney, Adam Kinsinger, and Jim McCain.  The real laugher is Chuck Hagel, the former Nebraska senator, who served poorly as President Obama’s secretary of defense.

There are those who don’t see endorsements of Trump by former Democrats, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Rep. Tulsi Gabbard being helpful to Trump, but they have actively joined the campaign.  I don’t see Dick Cheney campaigning for Harris.

FINALLY … ask yourself again, are you better off today than you were four years ago?  And, too, if you have a dislike of the former president merely because of his character, ask yourself, is that an acceptable reason to vote for Harris-Walz?

Disclaimer: Kramerontheright is not a misogynist or racist, and does not believe in position selection by DEI, nor socialistic progressive government. Just as Hillary Clinton was unfit for the presidency, so is Kamala Harris.  Where is our Margaret Thatcher?

May God continue to bless the United States of America.