Breaking News: Republican Party Leaders No Longer Need to Die to Become a Saint


“When Vice President Dick Cheney left office, his approval rating stood at a staggering low 13 percent.  Few political figures have been so reviled.” – from Remembering Why Americans Loathe Dick Cheney, by Conor Friedersdorf, in The Atlantic.

We’ve seen it before, primarily among fickle Democrats, who have turned once hated Republicans into saints, however, it usually happens after someone passes away.  We saw it with President Reagan, and most recently with Sen. John McCain.

“That Harris would accept the endorsement of Dick fu**ing Cheney is one of the most unbelievable moments in modern American politics,” wrote Douglas Blair in Substack, “It’s a sign that Democrats are fueled purely by Trump hate.”

The leftist media openly called Cheney a war criminal, demanding he face justice for his crimes.  Sen. Bernie Sanders accused Cheney of lying “about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, and got us into a horrific war that we should never have started.”

But suddenly, Sanders now says, “I applaud the Cheney’s for their courage in defending democracy.”  So, Dick Cheney, once viewed as Darth Vader, has been rehabilitated and is now the savior of the Harris-Walz campaign.

The Cheney’s represent a brand of neoconservatism that died with war in Iraq, but “apparently they have found fertile ground in a newly bloodthirsty Democrat Party,” noted Blair.


Since I have been covering the political landscape, I have seen a number of party defections, but they were the result of disagreements over the direction of their party.

While Dick Cheney has not indicated that he was changing parties, he did voice his disdain for Trump and stated that he planned to vote for Kamala Harris.

Hate of Trump by Liz Cheney has been obvious since Trump took office and led her to seek the co-chair position on the House impeachment committee.  That didn’t sit well with the voters of Wyoming, replacing her with Harriet Hagerman.

When Biden selected Harris as his vice president, Liz Cheney described the pick as someone “who has a voting record in the Senate to the left of Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren,” adding that “It’s very clear, she is a radical liberal.”

With the Cheney’s, hate trumps sound policies.

It is generally conceded that endorsements by the Cheney’s, especially with the attached vindictiveness, are not likely to change people’s votes.

Yet, while unsuccessfully co-chairing the impeachment of Trump over the January 6 riot, now as a surrogate of Harris, Liz Cheney is continuing her attack on Trump, recently telling voters in Wisconsin, “(Trump) sent an armed mob to the United States Capitol.” 

May God continue to bless the United States of America.