Harris Says There’s Nothing She Would Do Differently … ‘Nothing Comes to Mind’


Facing criticism over the lack of unscripted interviews since entering the race, Vice President Harris went on a media blitz that did little to convince voters that she was presidential material.

Of the four shows on which she appeared, only 60 Minutes gave her an opportunity to show her credentials on what is considered a “news” show, unlike The View, Stephen Colbert, Howard Stern and Call Her Daddy, all unserious talk shows, and she squandered it.

Just two minutes into the interview with CBS’s Bill Whitaker, she threw Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu under the bus, refusing to answer his inquiry, “Do we have a real ally in Prime Minister Netanyahu?

No softball questions from Whitaker on 60 Minutes (Western Journal photos)

“The better question,” she responded, “is do we have an important alliance between the American people and the Israeli people?  And the answer to that question is yes.”

An obvious political response with Michigan anti-Israel voters in mind.  Recall how she failed to attend the prime minister’s address to Congress.

When Whitaker cited the fact that “groceries are 25 percent higher, and the people are blaming you and Joe Biden for that.  Are they wrong?”

Harris acknowledged that prices are too high, adding that “it’s part of my plan to bring down the price of groceries” while again saying she “will ask Congress to pass a federal ban on price gouging for food and groceries, details yet to be defined.”

Referring to her economic opportunity plan, Whitaker asked, “Pardon me, madam vice president, the question was how are you going to pay for it?”

“I’m going to make sure the richest among us, who can afford to pay their fair share in taxes,” she said, too ignorant to know that will not be nearly enough to meet the trillion-dollar debt problem.

Reminding her that “we’re dealing with the real world,” Harris insisted she has been talking “quietly with a lot of folks in Congress, and they know exactly what I’m talking about.”  To which, Whitaker said, “And Congress has shown no inclination to move in your direction.”

“Let me tell you what your critics and the columnists say,” Whitaker continues. “They say the reason so many voters don’t know you is that you have changed your position on so many things,” as he cites fracking, immigration, Medicare for all. “People don’t truly know what you believe or what you stand for.”

With that, Harris went into tale of how she has been talking to people as she has been traveling the county and listening.

Whitaker spoke of the flood of undocumented immigrants that have crossed the border during the Biden-Harris administration – “as a matter of fact, arrivals have quadrupled from the last year of President Trump.  Was it a mistake to loosen the immigration policy as much as you did?”

Harris responded by saying, “From day one we have been offering solutions.”

Reminding her that he asked, “Was it a mistake?”  She didn’t answer, just continued with a wordy, convoluted response.

Other Views on 60 Minutes

In addition to CBS’s excessive editing of the interview, here are few comments:

“Kamala Harris realized to her shock, five minutes into the only serious interview she was facing in her last-minute media spree … actual informed questions from 60 Minutes … tough questions … no gotchas here … and she can’t handle those,” wrote fellow blogger Ben Domenech.

“Somebody give Bill Whitaker a prize. The CBS correspondent did what no other journalist has successfully done since the vice president was thrust to the top of the Democrat ticket: journalism.  He asked challenging questions … he was civil, unaggressive, and professional.  Whitaker was not deterred.”

“(Harris) delivered false, incoherent, and rambling statements,” opined Wendell Husebo of Breitbart, commenting on her first unscripted interview with a host that asked honest questions.”

“(She’s) economically illiterate,” wrote Billy Binion of Reason.

While on ABC’s The View

Co-host Sunny Hostin asked Harris “If anything, would you have done something differently than President Biden during the past four years?”

“There is not a thing that comes to mind.  And I’ve been part of most of the decisions that have had impact,” was her pathetic response.

How about the disastrous departure from Afghanistan resulting in the death of 13 servicemen and women, a decision in which she has previously stated that she was the last person leaving the situation room?

The Night Show with Stephen Colbert

Her appearance on Colbert’s show produced another cringe moment when she was again asked what she would have done differently.  Her response was a word salad of people’s “aspirations and dreams,” and the “character” of the nation.  RedState commented that “She is so over-rehearsed and inauthentic, and it comes out in every answer she gives.” It was so obvious; right down to drinking a beer.

The Other Shows

On the Howard Stern Show, the first question out of the box was, “Do you nap,” and the second was “if she liked the Prince soundtrack for the first Michael Keaton “Batman” movie.

Questions on the “Call Her Daddy,” a show aimed at young women, gave Harris an avenue to less engaged voters and the questions hardly got to the heart of the election.

There’s 23 days left until Election Day; I hope her handlers get her out there on more shows that reflect her unfitness to be president of the United States.

May God continue to bless the United States of America.