Last August, when I wrote, “It’s Time to Pull the Plug on the Outlandish Spending on Climate Change,” I recall thinking it was going to be the last piece I would be writing on the subject. After all, public concern over climate change barely made the list of the top10 issues on their minds.
In my piece, I quoted a Congressional Budget Office report stating, “The rapidly rising federal debt will cause substantially more damage to the U.S. economy in coming years than climate change.”
I also made note of a statement made by William Perry Pendley, who served in the Interior Department’s Bureau of Land Management: “To say climate change is the biggest threat to humanity is absolutely insane.”
Regardless, I tossed a few articles on my stack of stuff, should I want to address the subject again. Reading letters to the editor in Wednesday’s Wall Street Journal, written in response to a January 28, 2025, opinion column, “Why Climate Ideology Is Dying,” led me to write this final commentary on climate change; that and President Trump’s decisive actions to put an end to the outrageous spending on green projects.
“Every cause célèbre ultimately loses its appeal to the next existential threat,” wrote David Moynihan of Lynnfield, Massachusetts. Like me, Moynihan continues, “I’ve lived long enough to have gone through the population time bomb (forecasting worldwide starvation), acid rain (northeastern fresh lakes would be dead bodies of water), the dangers of genetically modified organisms (never mind that GMOs have saved hundreds of millions from starvation), global warming (renamed climate change when the modeling didn’t work). I can’t wait for whatever is next.”
From Al Gore’s histrionics to Greta Thunberg’s cry wolf, the Biden administration took us on a costly path to do the impossible – stop climate change.
I saved Francis Menton’s December 23, 2024, blog in which he cited one big reason for optimism that the green energy fantasy is coming to the end of its run.
He reported that the first country to hit the green energy “wall” is Germany, as its ability to continue is green energy dreams has stalled; its electricity prices have soared, its manufacturing sector has been seriously undermined, its economy is in recession, and its green-promoting government has fallen.
Three years ago, he asked which country or U.S. state would be the first to hit the green energy wall, when the addition of wind and solar generators to the grid could no longer continue?”
While most Americans know that President Trump is thoroughly dismantling the Biden administration’s costly new green deal with it’s fanciful goal of stopping climate change, few people were aware of the vast all-of-government approach Biden set forth to address climate change and environmental justice.
Although one might have expected that the EPA, DOJ, and the Departments of Interior and Agriculture to be involved, but every cabinet office was ordered to develop a plan, including the Department of Defense and its branches.
Already ordered to participate in another Biden all-of-government strategy to address Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Program (DEI), on April 22, 2021, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said, “Today, no nation can find lasting security without addressing the climate crisis. We face all kinds of threats in our line of work, but few of them truly deserve to be called existential.”
Just think about the time and manpower devoted to DEI and climate change for this organization that we count on for military readiness.
“For three decades you were labeled a crank, a ‘climate denier,’ someone who pigheadedly rejects ‘settled science,” if you didn’t embrace the belief that life on earth faces imminent extinction from ‘global warming’ and later, ‘climate change,’” wrote Barton Swain in his Journal opinion on why climate ideology is dying.
“The possibility that an entire academic discipline, climate science, could have gone badly amiss by groupthink and self-flattery,” he added, “wasn’t thought possible.”
Meanwhile, the leftist leaders in California blame the fire damage on climate change when it was their incompetence that failed to keep the undercover brush cleared and water supplies secure.
President Trump needs to tie federal aid to California’s waiving its all-electric requirements for those desiring to rebuild.
May God continue to bless the United States of America.