Having had it up to here with things I see happening in our country, on February 9, 2021 I wrote, “Stop the world, I want to get off,” but the world won’t stop and neither does the nonsense.
We have the cancel culture working overtime to discover wrongs from our past. Statements made by our founders and Civil War generals. Movies and books containing objectionable content. Dr. Seuss, and now Speedy Gonzales, have to go because they are racist.
It’s been said that all politics is local. I worry about that because much of the population is made up of uninformed individuals.
EVIDENCE OF THAT can often be found in letters to editors. G. M. O’Lorin of Mesa, Arizona, in a letter to the Arizona Republic, wrote, “We, the majority of (Sen. Kyrsten Sinema’s) constituents in Arizona, want her to vote against the filibuster and end it.” Wonder who put him in charge?
He went on to say that “We” want her to vote for the living minimum wage of $15 an hour, “We” want her to vote for HR1 (the voting rights bill), and “We” want her to vote for the stimulus package quickly,” adding that “We” want her to vote Democrat every time.”
While Sinema has already voted against the $15 minimum wage, O’Lorin will probably be happy that she voted for HR1 and the falsely labeled Covid stimulus relief bill, however, it’s hard to believe that he knows the content of the two pieces of legislation.
Does O’Lorin know that only nine percent of the $1.9 trillion package is designated as Covid relief, and as for his demand that she vote for it “quickly,” does he understand that most of the legislation is earmarked for 2022? And does he know that his party is sitting on $1 trillion in funds previously passed?
And does O’Lorin know that imprisoned criminals like Dylann Roof, who murdered nine people in a Charleston, South Carolina church, and Dzhokhar Tsaraev, one of the Boston bombers, will receive the $1,400 stimulus check?
Biden also wants to increase voting and voter registration access for criminals.
HR1, published with the ridiculous title of the “For the People Act of 2021,” transfers authority over elections administered by the states to the federal government. Who thinks that’s a good idea?
Space will not permit me to review the Act. I recommend that you go to your browser and seek The Epoch Times, “Key Things You Need to Know About HR1, the For the People Act of 2021. The Times cites 30 key provisions from the 791-page legislation you need to know.
FROM THE WHITE HOUSE – Press Secretary Jen Psaki insists that there’s no crisis on the southern border. It’s merely a “challenge.” Apparently unwilling to trust the word of the U.S. Border Patrol on scene, the “challenge” requires that Susan Rice and her team go down there to investigate. I wonder if she will appear on all of the Sunday news shows to report when she returns.
JOHN KERRY is in Europe to work with European allies in London, Brussels and Paris to “strengthen global climate ambition” in preparation for Biden’s Leaders Summit on Climate, April 22-23, and the 26th Conference of the Parties to the United Nation’s Framework Convention on Climate Change, later this year.
All of this even though Kerry recently said, “We could go to zero (emissions) tomorrow and the problem (climate change) isn’t solved.”
In the announcement published by the State Department, there was no word on Kerry’s progress in finding green jobs for those Keystone XL workers. LOL
AND THEN THERE’S THIS – The Biden administration has inserted the requirement for diversity and equity into every executive order.
Should there be a vacancy on the Supreme Court, Biden says he will nominate a black woman. Maxine Waters? Or perhaps Sheila Jackson Lee, who he recently introduced as “Shirley?”
WHAT IS “EQUITY?” – When asked to explain whether the commitment to “equity” means the administration intends to abolish “equal treatment under the law,” the unresponsive answer from attorney general-designate Merrick Garland was merely, “I think discrimination is morally wrong.”
When Sen. Tom Cotton said, “it sounds like racial equity means treating people differently based on their race,” and asked Marcia Fudge, who is slated to run Housing and Urban Development, “Is that correct?”
“It’s not based on race,” she said, “but it could be based on economics, it could be based on the history of discrimination that has existed for a long time.”
With responses like those, it’s clear that both will fit well in the Biden administration.
“Only a powerful central government could impose the intensive – and expensive – programs of social intervention, ideological re-education and economic redistribution,” wrote Charles Lipson in the Wall Street Journal. “Only an intrusive bureaucracy could specify the rules for every business, public institution and civic organization.”
That’s why advocates of “equity” are so determined to hide what the term really means.
May God continue to bless the United States of America.