Is Biden Searching for the Nation’s Soul Amongst the Illegals?


IN SEARCH OF OUR SOUL – When Joe Biden launched his bid for the presidency in 2019, he said, “we are in a battle for the soul of the nation,” as he drifted off into a bit of mumbo jumbo about ending the “divisiveness that has marked the last four years.”

Then, in his victory speech from atop a stage in a dreary Wilmington, Delaware parking lot, he again exclaimed, “we must restore the soul of America.”

It appears as though old Joe has found the search for the soul to be more difficult than he had thought.  So, he seemingly has called upon none other than Hillary Clinton to help the Republican Party find its soul.

“I’m hoping that the Republican Party will find its soul, will find its center again and understand they can’t keep playing with fire,” she was quoted in a piece by Nina Bookout in the Victory Girls blog.  “It is really troubling to see the Republican Party turn themselves into a cult and, you know, basically pledging allegiance not to the United States of America, but to Donald Trump,” she added, as if she really cared about our party.

I see this as another attempt to persuade us to cancel Donald Trump.  Whether he decides to run again or not, they are worried about the support he has within the party.

INCIDENTALLY – “It was Hillary Clinton and the Democrat Party that lost their way decades ago,” noted Bookout.

THOUSANDS OF ILLEGALS continue to flood our border with phony requests for asylum, in numbers already exceeding those of the Trump years, in response to President Biden’s open border campaign invitation. Large numbers of them are wearing Biden T-shirts, most likely provided by coyotes. 

Most of those passing Biden’s criteria are released into the United States with future court dates they will ignore.  While a number of them will remain in the border states, others are given bus tickets to all parts of the country, some no doubt with the Covid-19 virus.

Bus loads of illegals arriving in Wilmington, Delaware just might get Biden’s  attention. 

Still others are being detained in shipping container-like detention centers that are already at capacity. They cannot bring in additional units fast enough. The administration has not allowed the media to visit the sites.

Although the administration insists there is no crisis on the border, it was serious enough for Susan Rice and her team of domestic solution experts to travel to the border over the weekend.  Back in Washington, they still haven’t met with Biden to report on their findings.  Another futile attempt to convince us that there’s no crisis.  I suspect that we will see Rice appear at one of Jen Psaki’s press conferences.

“HIS NAME IS LLOYD AUSTIN, and the ‘outfit’ is the Pentagon,” said WND’s Bob Unruh, chiding President Biden’s latest pathetic episode causing us to again question his presidential cognitive fitness.  

“I want to thank the … the former general, I keep calling him general … the guy who runs that outfit over there,” Biden said during an event announcing the promotions of two women to general ranks.

C’mon, Joe.  After boasting that you appointed Austin to become the first black secretary of defense, you can’t remember his name or position?

It’s no wonder Biden’s minders worry about putting him in front of the media for his first press conference, and the State of the Union Address, as rumors persist that he will eventually resign for health reasons.

I COULDN’T HELP BUT THINK about Arizona’s former Sen, Martha McSally while listening to Biden speak about past overdue decisions made about women in the military, including combat duty, their struggle for key assignments and sexual harassment.

McSally flew combat missions in an A-10 Warthog all while fighting sexual harassment in the Air Force.  After being named to fill the vacancy following the death of John McCain, she endured the harassment of Arizona Democrats, who put forth a man, Mark Kelly, to unseat her in 2020, because she was the wrong woman … a Republican.

(Courtesy Pinterest)

IT’S NO DOG’S LIFE in the White House.  Remember how President Biden talked about the need to restore the warmth and love dogs brought to the White House as he recalled Barack and Michelle Obama’s dog, Bo?  

Biden decided to bring his two German Shepherds from Delaware to restore the warmth and love missing during the Trump years, but there was a biting incident and they were exiled back to Delaware.

Now, more than ever … may God continue to bless the United States of America.