Hillary: ‘The System is Working’


“I don’t know that anybody should be satisfied.  This is a terrible moment for our country to have a former president accused of these terribly important crimes.  The only satisfaction is that the system is working.”

That was former first lady, secretary of state and losing presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, delighted to be appearing on Rachel Maddow’s MSNBC program Monday evening, when the indictment of former President Trump came down.

Scheduled for an earlier appearance, Maddow apologized for holding her over to comment on the breaking news, Clinton obligingly commented, “Here we are … just tell me when to show up next time … we’ll see what he’s charged with then.”

Never at a loss of an audacious remark concerning Trump, she said of “all the efforts by Trump and his allies and enablers to try and silence the truth and undermine democracy have been brought into the light.  And justice is being pursued.”

Who better to speak about “the systems is working,” than Hillary, who benefitted from the two systems of justice in America.

While she spoke of Trump’s allies and enablers who were subpoenaed in the latest indictment, including his chief of staff Mark Meadows, she surely recalled how her chief of staff, Cheryl Mills, and four other aides, were granted immunity in a deal with the DOJ and FBI during the investigation of the e-mail controversy.

While Trump and others have been indicted in part for a supposed scheme to overturn the 2020 election in which he vigorously utilized his right to free speech, it was Hillary, who claimed that her 2016 election was “stolen,” and repeatedly referred to Trump as an “illegitimate president.” 

“I absolutely agree that Trump is an illegitimate president,” said Joe Biden in 2019. Unbelievably, President Carter said, “Trump didn’t actually win the election in 2016. He lost the election and was put into office because of the Russian interference on his behalf.”

The Two Systems of Justice

“Out of pathological hatred or fear of Donald Trump, the left has crafted one set of laws for themselves, and another for all other Americans.  They smugly believe their own moral superiority grants them such a right to apply laws unequally, or to ignore them altogether.”

That’s how the brilliant Victor Davis Hanson, a distinguished fellow of the Center of American Greatness and a classical and historian at Stanford’s Hoover Institution, summed it up in “Two Sets of Laws for Two Americas.”

Davis offers these questions:

Will special counsel Jack Smtih indict Stacey Abrams, who falsely clamed she was the real governor of Georgia, while touring the country in hopes of “discounting” the state vote count?

… and will he charge Hillary, who serially libeled Trump as an “illegitimate” president after she hatched the Russian collusion hoax and illegally hired two foreign nationals to compile falsehoods in a dossier to subvert the election?

….and regarding Trump loosely talking about classified material to visitors, will Smith charge Clinton for the classified documents illegally sent over her unsecured server?

“The system” worked for Hillary when she was not held accountable for negligence in the death of Ambassador Christpher Stevens and three aides at our outpost in Benghazi.  Again, when she escaped accountability for mishandling classified documents and the loss of some 30,000 e-mails, which could have uncovered the corruption between the Clinton Foundation and her state department position that some believe put our national security and sensitive diplomatic efforts at risk.

But American voters had enough of Hillary and it was Trump’s promise to change the ways of old Washington that won him the presidency in 2016.

One has to wonder why Hillary continues to seek air time.  Does she think for a minute that she can reverse the opinions Americans have of her, noted in this concession from her book, “What Happened”:

“I have come to terms with the fact that a lot of people … millions and millions of people … decided they just didn’t like me.  Imagine what that feels like.”

I believe she has Stage 4 Trump Derangement Syndrome, but will continue to be there when the left calls for help in preventing his return to the White House.

By now, we should know that Biden, Garland, Wray and the Deep State supporting them, will do almost anything to keep Trump from destroying the Washington way of doing business, including their own rule of law.

May God continue to bless the United States of America.