Along the Campaign Trail … Biden Not Looking Good … N.Y. Times’ Pathetic Coverage of the Trial … Comey Still Out to Get Trump … Trump to Rally in the Bronx … and What Young People are Thinking on Issues

Biden Not Looking Good

… and I’m not referring to his appearance, looking old and confused. It was his commencement speech at Moorehouse College on Sunday, designed to help win over blacks, who seem to be drifting toward former President Trump, that was a downer.

What should have been an upbeat message for the graduates was described by some as an attempt to pander for the black vote, while social media outlets saw it as more race-baiting, and demeaning to black students

Most of all it seemed as though he had forgotten that he has been president for the past three years as he spoke of “the trail of broken promises still leaves black communities behind.”

He told them they have “to be 10 times better than anyone else to get a fair shot” in a country black men love, in a country that doesn’t love him back in equal measure.”

“Imagine working hard for years to graduate from college and Joe Biden shows up on your day of celebration to remind you that you’re a victim and America doesn’t love you because you’re black,” noted Adam Coleman, founder of Wrong Speaking Publishing.

Biden even invoked the death of Goerge Floyd to cater to black voters.

He can’t run on his record, so he is trying to change the subject by dividing Americans with racial demagoguery.  It’s not a message worthy of a president, though it looks like it’s the best Mr. Biden has to offer.” – WSJ editorial board

Speaking to the NAACP

… at their dinner Sunday evening in Detroit was a different story.  If he wanted to impress the NAACP members, he failed.  He mentioned that as vice president during the pandemic, Barack Obama sent him to Detroit to help fix it.  The problem is that the pandemic was after he and Obama left office. 

Even with the luxury of a teleprompter, Biden mumbled and stuttered through his speech, that later required the White House to make nine corrections in the transcript, including his incorrect reference to the NAAC.

Then, in New Hampshire on Tuesday, he was mocked by the sparse crowd he “didn’t generate.”  “You’d have more tables, people and excitement a the senior center on bingo night,” Nick Aram of RedState, wrote, quoting a local observer.  “It looked like he couldn’t even fill a room.”

The New Hampshire Journal observed that there were more Trump folks who had been lined up along the road outside against Biden than in the speech venue.

If you believe the polls

… then you may believe the results of Rasmussen Reports’ national telephone and online survey that revealed that 53 percent of likely voters believe Trump will be found guilty in the New York trial.

The New York Times

… has stooped to coverage of former President Trump’s appearance and demeanor in the courtroom with four anti-Trumpers – Maggie Haberman, Susanne Craig, Jonah Bromwich and Jes Bidgood collaborating on the Times’s piece, “Trump’s eyes wide shut,” rather than an assessment on how the trial was progressing for one side or the other.

Bidgood reports that Trump “leaned back in his chair, even slumped,” while Haberman noted that “Trump appeared to have nodded off,” while indicating “he’s visibly bored, and “he’s also angry.”

Surely, they must know that Trump knows what’s going on around him at all times.

Speaking of New York

… former President Trump is set to hold a rally in South Bronx today.  The borough hasn’t backed a Republican for the White House in 100 years.

It won’t be a rally the size of the one in Wildwood, New Jersey as the Bronx’s Crotona Park can only handle an estimated 3,500 people, but I have a feeling the crowd will spill over a wide area around the park.

Despite the fact

… that “Results” is what Trump seeks if elected, not “Revenge,” former disgraced FBI Director James Comey told MSNBC’s Alex Wagner that Trump will be targeting both the FBI and the DOJ if elected.

While Comey is correct when he said “(Trump’s) going to put people in positions in those organizations,” the former president learned a great deal from his last tenure and will go about restoring rule-of-law in those organizations long needed. After all, it was Attorney General Merrick Garland, who personally signed-off on matters concerning Trump.

Perhaps the most egregious was his approval of FBI and other law enforcement’s early morning entrance to Mar-A-Lago armed with deadly force to secure documents Trump held there.

If you’ve been wondering

… about young voters, specifically Generation Z (ages 18-26) you might be interested in the accompanying chart, comparing their views of patriotism, belief in God/religion, having children, and America as the best place to live with those of Baby Boomers (ages 59-77).  It’s pretty sad.

In addition, Gen Zers were more than likely to say they have a positive impression of socialism (44 percent) than capitalism (40 percent).  I found it odd that 28 percent of seniors viewed socialism favorably.

In this data, gathered by Pew, it shouldn’t be surprising that ages 18-29 sympathized more with Palestine while 14 percent sided with Israel. Ot those 65 and older, 47 percent were sympathetic to Israel.            

May God continue to bless the United States of America