The ‘Deep State’ exists … another document dump … Gallup finds Russia not on the minds of Americans … Biden the father of character assassination … and blue collar America now Republican

Here are my observations and opinions on selected news of the day.

BIRDS OF A FEATHER – By now you should be aware that there are numerous Obama administration holdovers in the federal government who make up what is known as the “Deep State,” individuals who are using their positions to help bring down the Trump presidency.

I’m sure you also know that they regularly leak information to the media, making them complicit in the effort to destroy President Trump.

Eugene Robinson, an anti-Trumper. (

NOW THEY ARE ADMITTING ITWashington Post columnist Eugene Robinson wrote this week that “Before this hare-brained and reckless administration is history, the nation will have cause to celebrate the public servants derided by Trumpists as the supposed ‘deep state.’ God bless them. With a supine Congress unwilling to play the role it is assigned by the Constitution, the ‘deep state’ stands between us and the abyss.”

Following a lengthy rant about actions by the president to which he disagrees – because as a journalist he is so much wiser – Robinson added “the loyal and honorable ‘deep state’ has a higher duty. It’s called patriotism.”

“While I have always believed that patriotism was the display or love for one’s country, the Deep Staters are instead showing hatred for their duly elected president.” – Kramerontheright

JOINING THE FEATHERED FLOCK was long-time liberal Karen Tumulty, who now also writes for the Washington Post after a decade of working for the left-leaning TIME magazine, where she was a Clinton confidant. Writing @KTumlty, she praises Robinson’s stance on the “Deep State.”

THE USUAL FRIDAY NIGHT DUMP of documents by the Department of Justice actually came on Saturday night. It included documents pertaining to the Carter Page FISA warrant, sought for months via the Freedom of Information Act, but disturbingly, it was heavily redacted.

“I’m really embarrassed,” commented former prosecutor Andrew McCarthy, “(with what I have seen in the warrant) because I told people for months that this could never, ever happen … it’s astonishing. It’s as if they took the dossier and slapped a caption on it to give to the judge. They ought to be looking at the judges who signed this stuff.

“When will one of those patriotic FISA Court judges step forward and admit he or she was duped by the FBI’s declaration of accuracy of the anti-Trump dossier and the agency’s failure to inform the court that the dossier was paid for by the opposition, Hillary Clinton and the DNC. I’m still waiting. “ – Kramerontheright, May 3, 2018

“The rot that is visible in the interstices of the redactions,” wrote Professor Randy Barnett of Georgetown Law, “Says much about the motives of the FBI.”

“(The) newly released documents prove that Comey’s FBI and the DOJ relied almost entirely on the phony and unverified anti-Trump dossier to gain warrants to wiretap Trump campaign associate,” wrote Gregg Jarrett @GreggJarrett, whose book, “The Russian Hoax: The Illicit Scheme to Clear Hillary Clinton and Frame Donald Trump,” will be released on Tuesday.

“Comey has not been telling the truth,” according to Jarrett, “He pretended the dossier was only a minor part of the warrant application that he signed to wiretap, claiming it was NOT a ‘critical part of it’ and there was ‘a significant amount of additional material.’ Demonstrably untrue.”

I WASN’T SURPRISED to learn from the latest Gallup poll that the ongoing probe to investigate to what extent Russia was involved in President Trump’s electoral victory in 2016 didn’t make the list of the top eight issues most Americans (70 percent) say are the most important ones the United States is facing.

 I WAS REMINDED of how two Democrats – Joe Biden and Teddy Kennedy – are responsible for the character assassination of Supreme Court nominees in a letter to the editor of the Wall Street Journal written by Paul E. Simpson of Haverford, Pennsylvania.

“It is beyond ironic to quote Joe Biden supposedly lamenting that Supreme Court confirmation hearings have devolved into a ‘Kabuki dance,’” Simpson wrote, “He is personally responsible for this,” noting that Biden was the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee from 1987 to 1995, and in concert with Kennedy, presided over the character assassination of Robert Bork and the near Borking of Clarence Thomas.

Sadly, “Bork” can now be found in most dictionaries – “to obstruct someone, especially a candidate for public office by systematically defaming or vilifying them.”

Incidentally, none of Judge Robert Bork’s 400 majority decisions was reversed, according to the Journal.

“THE REPUBLICAN PARTY has become the party of blue-collar America,” according to a report in the Wall Street Journal stating that the swing of factory towns from Democrats to the GOP is remaking both parties.

“After the 1992 election, 15 of the 20 most manufacturing intensive districts in America were represented by Democrats. Today, all 20 are held by Republicans,” the Journal reports.

President Trump’s “America first” motto and his straight talk resonates with most Americans, but more so with those identified as the working middle class.

        May God bless the United States of America.