Dems pull race card again … Juan Williams unhinged … tight governor’s race in Florida … Mueller fails to interview Ohr … Huber too … Simon outraged … GDP revised up to 4.2 percent and median household income up

Here are my observations and opinions on selected news of the day.

THE ANATOMY OF A RACIST CHARGE – In Florida’s primary election Tuesday, Democrat gubernatorial hopeful Gwen Graham, daughter of Bob Graham, former Florida governor and senator, lost to Andrew Gillum, the black mayor of Tallahassee.

Polls gave Graham a seven-point lead going into the primary, and one has to wonder if she was complacent, thinking she had it in the bag.

Meanwhile, Gillum, with campaign funds from billionaire Trump haters George Soros and Tom Steyer, won and will now face Trump-supported Republican Ron DeSantis, who easily won over his opponent.

If you gave your child this book, you could be labeled a racist.

Appearing the next morning on Fox’s Fox & Friends, DeSantis spoke of his victory and plan for the general election innocently using a word “monkey.“ “The last thing we need to do is monkey this up by trying to embrace a socialist agenda with huge tax increases and bankrupting the state,” he said.

It’s no different than if he had said, ‘The last thing we need is to be is so foolish to embrace a socialist agenda with huge tax increases and bankrupting the state.’

I’m convinced that “monkey this up” just rolled off his tongue as if he said “screw this up” or “mess things up.”

Gillum said DeSantis’ remark was right out of Trump’s playbook.

Fox’s left-leaning Juan Williams, of course, was all over DeSantis’ comment, calling it a serious racist reference. And he tied him to President Trump, who Williams believes has made racist comments. Williams even mentioned that a black woman is running against a white man in Georgia, in a not-so-veiled-attempt to tie racism into the race.

This quote is for you, Juan:

I come from Chicago. It’s not as if its just Republicans who have monkeyed around with elections in the past.” – Barack Obama, Kent State University, Sept. 3, 2008

I have often told our kids to stop “monkeying around;” does that make me a racist? I’ve also used the term “monkey business,” “monkey see, monkey do,” “well, I’ll be a monkey’s uncle,” and “more fun than a barrel of monkeys.” And, I own a “monkey wrench.”

A few weeks ago, Republican strategist David Bossie was suspended by Fox for two weeks for saying, “are you out of your cotton-picken mind?” How often have you used that “racist” remark?

Democrats long for opportunities to play the race card. Don’t let them succeed in painting you … and the president … as racist.

INCIDENTALLY, DeSantis received 873,796 votes compared to Gillum’s 472,975. The Democrat vote was split between Gillum, Graham and four other candidates. Democrats outnumber Republicans 40 to 36 percent in Florida with the remaining registrations going to Independents. Trump beat Clinton by a slim margin in 2016.

HAVE YOU HEARD that Special Counsel Robert Mueller has not interviewed the number four guy in the Department of Justice, Bruce Ohr, who, along with his wife Nellie, conspired with Christopher Steele, author of the Russian dossier, to bring down the Trump presidency? Nor has John Huber of Utah, who was appointed by Attorney General Jeff Sessions six months ago as someone who could investigate away from the influence of the Washington Beltway scene.

It’s another cause for President Trump to vent his frustration with Sessions.

NOTE ALSO that when Ohr testified before the House Judiciary and Oversight Committee on Tuesday, the Democrat members did not attend.

“What’s going on?” asks Roger L. Simon, PJ Media, of Sessions, “Do you want the FBI to remain an organization disdained and distrusted by literally half the country? What kind of prescription is that for our national health?”

GROWTH RATE INCHES UP – The White House announced that the Second Quarter GDP rose to 4.2 percent, the fastest growth since the third quarter of 2014.

INVESTOR’S BUSINESS DAILY’S editorial board notes that household income has soared to an all-time high under President Trump. Median household income is up more than 4 percent. Over the course of President Obama’s eight years in office, median household income climbed a mere 0.3 percent.

          May God bless the United States of America.