SPECIAL REPORT: The State of the Union Address

Here are my observations and thoughts on President Trump’s Tuesday State of the Union Address

First, let me assure you that I will not insult your intelligence by attempting to explain what the president said in his address, like the network talking heads believe they must do for you.

I think the president did an excellent job of combining powerful reminders of his administration’s accomplishments with his plans for the future, while recognizing people in the gallery who have helped make America great.

All day we were told to expect him to plea for unity, but I don’t recall hearing that word being used.

Instead, he talked about a new standard of living for the 21st Century and asked legislators to embrace our boundless potential … to have the courage to seize opportunity … asking them what they will do to reignite America … and finally he asked them to Choose Greatness.

             May God bless the United States of America.