Joe Biden’s comeuppance … McCabe’s folly … ‘The Swamp’ … Rosenstein’s denials … Elizabeth Warren another embarrassment … and Mollie Hemingway writes

Here are my observations and opinions of my selected news stories of the day.

MORE ON THE BIDEN EMBARRASSMENT – While perusing my favorite blogs over the weekend, I came across a piece written by Marta Hernandez for Victory Girls, another conservative blog, that focuses on some of the material included in my February 17, 2019 post, “Biden Is the Embarrassment.”

Marta opened her piece, “Dear America … a pervy, gaffe-prone septuagenarian wants to be your next President, and his first significant, public order of business is to malign the country he wants to lead while giving a speech overseas.”

It seems Marta and I are of like minds. We are both tired of hearing, ”that’s not who we are.” In her piece, “Joe Biden: An American Embarrassment,” she remarks, “Now, I don’t know about you all, but I’m sick and tired of being told by liberals who I am.”

She reviewed a series of Biden/Obama actions that she is sick and tired of, including criticism of the separation of children from their parents at the border, when that was the policy under Obama. “Their administration, however, conveniently did not keep track of separations,” she adds, reminding readers that “that’s exactly who they were 2008-2017.”

“I guess we weren’t an embarrassment when it was Obama and Biden keeping kids in cages,“ she comments.

She marvelously takes her readers through a series of other reasons she is sick and tired of the liberal rantings of Biden’s party.

She surmises that Biden wouldn’t consider Obama’s botched Fast and Furious botched gun-running scheme an embarrassment; Obama’s embarrassing failure to hold to his “red line” in Syria; and the embarrassment of lying to Americans about being able to keep our doctor and our insurance plans.

“We’re such an embarrassment,” Marta says, “that caravans of thousands of migrants are traveling hundreds of miles and breaking our borders just so they can work, achieve, and live in relative safety.”

Victory Girls is conservative political blog you should visit.

Marta’s line, “Embarrassing? That’s rich coming from Creepy Joe,” is similar to mine, “Isn’t it rich? Joe Biden telling us what the American people believe and want. It’s ludicrous.”

I wouldn’t go so far as to say we are great minds thinking alike, but we are certainly of like minds.

You can read Marta’s piece in the Victory Girls blog in its entirety by CLICKING HERE.

DID YOU WATCH the 60 Minutes interview of disgraced former acting director of the FBI Andrew McCabe Sunday evening?

While listening to McCabe, I couldn’t help but think – and this guy was leading the FBI. I did not consider his story credible; perhaps it was the knowledge I had of his previous lying.

CBS moderator Scott Pelley tried valiantly to lend credence to the seriousness of the charges McCabe had surfaced, resorting to gesturing with his glasses and summoning his best deep ‘James Earl Jones’ voice to ask “Are you saying the president is in league with the Russians?” But alas he left too many questions unasked.

There were no questions about his meetings with agents Strzok and Page, their bias against Trump, and the need for that insurance policy they discussed in his office.

AMID THE FLURRY of comments about the stir caused by the disgraced former acting director of the FBI Andrew McCabe by the talking heads and political columnists, was an insightful opinion piece by Mark Penn, formerly a political strategist for Bill and Hillary Clinton.

“The most egregious anti-democratic actions ever taken by the what can now fairly be called the Deep State are confirmed with the publication of fired FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe’s new book detailing how the FBI and Justice Department plotted to remove President Trump from office for firing FBI Director James Comey,” writes Penn.

“Justice Department and FBI officials spied on U.S. citizens with false warrants, gave a pass to one presidential campaign (Hillary Clinton’s) with a predetermined investigation, investigated another political campaign (Donald Trump’s) on the basis of no verified evidence and illegally leaked information on investigations.

They discussed wiretapping and using the 25th Amendment to the Constitution to remove President Trump, and appointed a special counsel as a retaliatory move for Comey’s firing.

“It is now crystal clear that the highest echelons of the Justice Department and FBI had morphed from the world’s most professional law enforcement organization into a Third World rump group. They had the hubris to believe that they – not the American people or their duly elected representatives – should decide who governs and how.”

“Newly confirmed Attorney General William Barr needs to crack all this wide open,” writes Penn, “The secret charge to (Robert) Mueller needs to be released. The FISA warrants need to be declassified.”

Penn also calls for a grand jury to be empaneled to investigate all of this and get testimony from officials under oath, and the certification of the warrants used to wiretap the Trump campaign.

THE WASHINGTON DC “SWAMP” LIVES – “If Washington DC were a better place, former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe would be swiftly run out of town,” notes William L. Krumholz in The Federalist. He was fired last year for lying to the FBI’s inspector general at least four times regarding serious questions about multiple abuses that occurred while McCabe sat in a powerful and unelected office.”

As you might expect, Krumholz’s piece, “7 Big Takeaways From Andrew McCabe’s Planned Coup,” is a compendium of the attempt within the FBI and DOJ to end President Trump’s presidency. All wonderfully captured in selected bites.

I found his final takeaway about the unpatriotic dupes – Comey, McCabe, Clapper and Brennan – to be right on target. He points out that intelligence leaders used to leave their jobs quietly and lived quiet lives. “That changed with the people Barack Obama put in place.”

Referring to the quartet’s cable news gigs, book tours and hysterical tweets, he tells of their opposition to Trump being beyond ideological. It was emotional, mostly driven by rage. Once being in charge of the all-powerful U.S. intelligence community, “they were lightyears away from being straight-shooters,” he said,

“None of these men have been elected,” Krumholz reminds us, “and it is doubtful that any of them could be elected. Yet through a corrupt media, they have been thrust to the center stage of American discourse.

“These aren’t public servants, they are incompetent attention-seekers. They are selfish, and unpatriotic, concerned with protecting themselves from their own misdeeds instead of the good of the country.”

ROD ROSENSTEIN’S DENIAL that he offered to wear a wire in the Oval Office has been called “a non-denial.” Last September he first referred to the charge as “inaccurate and factually incorrect.” Later, he said, “I never pursued or authorized recording the president and any suggestion that I have ever advocated the removal of the president is absolutely false.”

“Don’t be surprised if the DOJ, or Rosenstein in particular, hits back (at McCabe) soon in the (Washington) Post,” Krumholz predicts.

Surely, William Barr has a plan to remove Rosenstein and insert his own team.

THE CONSITUTION BE DAMNED – Far-left Democrat presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren endorsed the idea of President Trump’s cabinet invoking the 25th Amendment to remove him from office.

While she stated “Their loyalty under law is not to him personally, rather to the Constitution of the United States,” she ignores the precept of the 25th Amendment, written to handle physical situations when a president can no longer function.

Warren, who seems to take pleasure in disrespecting the president, earlier commented that he may not be in office by 2020, or even a free man.

This may play well with the radical left loonies, but it won’t wear well in flyover country, where they see her as an East Coast elitist who pretends she’s one of them. Remember, “I’m going to get me a beer?”

MOLLIE HEMINGWAY of The Federalist takes on the media, writing @MZHemingway: “The elephant in the room for the media malfeasance discussions is that may reporters are simply not smart. They fall for hoaxes easily. Over and over and over again. They are obviously not well read. That is combined with a completely unwarranted arrogance that compounds the problem.

“And general media response … to circle wagons, deny culpability, learn nothing, lash out, get worse … only confirms the arguments of those who criticize their poor performance.”

            May God bless the United State of America.