Special Report: Stopping the Scourge of Socialism

Yes, I recognize that you know the difference between the two ideologies, and you probably wouldn’t be reading this blog if you leaned to the left, but I want you to read what others are saying; and take it seriously.

“What on earth has happened to the Democrat Party?” writes William F. Marshall in The Federalist, “Even by liberal standards, the policies the left now advocates appear insane. To say they are an order of fries short of a Happy Meal is an insult to McDonald’s.”

Marshall calls his readers attention to the fact that 67 members of Congress signed-on to support Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal, and that the Senate’s Edward ‘The Sky Is Falling” Markey supports it even though he “surely knows how absurd the Green New Deal’s provisions are.”

Roger L. Simon, writing in PJMedia, commented on President Trump’s State of the Union remark that “Tonight, we renew our resolve that America will never be a socialist country,” noting “the glum expressions on the faces of so many Democrats – nearly all of them. Bernie Sanders looked as if he had swallowed the bowl along with the goldfish.”

The reliable Wall Street Journal columnist Daniel Henninger also sounded an alarm with “How did the Democrat Party move so far left so fast?” in his piece “The Democrats’ Socialist Gene.”

He writes about the Democrat presidential candidates who have shown support for the socialism of Bernie Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez. “Today, the two socialists are household names.”

Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan felt the need to comment, too, in her column, “Republicans Need to Save Capitalism.” Referring to those who support the socialist movement, Noonan says “It is a mistake to dismiss their leaders as goofballs who’ll soon fall of the stage. None of this feels like a passing phase.”

“Their (Republicans) job – now and in the coming decade – is in a supple, clever and concerted way, to save the free market system from those who would dismantle it. It is to preserve and defend the capitalism that made America a great thing in the world.”

“This is exactly the type of rebellion we need in the U.S. today,” writes Marta Hernandez in the Victory Girls blog, “as a cancerous scourge of socialism tries to attach itself like so many public lice to the life source of our nation.

“The socialists believe that somehow those who have made billions with their ingenuity and courage are taking away from those who haven’t, instead of providing a product for which people want to pay them money.”

In Hernandez’s piece, “Socialists are Nothing More Than Parasites,” relates stories of a number of people – Howard Schultz, Oprah Winfrey, Jeff Bezos – who have made it after growing up in poverty.

These billionaires, Hernandez says, employ thousands of people and provide opportunities for them to succeed. They invest in other ventures and provide a means for them to succeed. These employees, in turn, rent and buy homes, eat at restaurants, they contribute to charities and they pay taxes.

“Socialism needs class envy. Socialism cannot be allowed to win,” Hernandez states.

“(Ocasio-Cortez) represents an ignorant ahistorical adoration for socialism that has captured a significant portion of the Democrat Party,” writes William A. Jabobson in the blog Legal Insurrection.

“People like Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez have a limited understanding of economics,” comments Hernandez. “Her professors at Boston University should either be embarrassed, or that are frighteningly ignorant and incompetent as she is.”

“Socialism is something that plays better in the classroom than it does in real life,” writes Simon.” He points out that the president’s outspoken opposition to socialism is so timely and needs to extend to classrooms. “Our educational system, from the earliest years through college, has been turning, indeed has turned for the most part, into a virtual indoctrination program for socialism.”

Donald Trump Jr. unnecessarily found himself in a bit of hot water with America’s teachers with his warm-up speech for the president in El Paso when he said, “You don’t have to be indoctrinated by these loser teachers that are trying to sell you socialism from birth. You don’t have to do it. Because you can think for yourselves.” Omitting the words “loser teachers” would been smarter.

“Getting the ‘people’ – or a large enough proportion of them – to buy into your radical ideas and talk about them … is much easier to accomplish today with the explosion of social media,” say Marshall. “By pushing these insane ideas (contained in the Green New Deal) and getting a ‘groundswell’ of highly orchestrated political activists to clamor for them, they get everyday Americans discussing them.”

Kramerontheright believes that too many Americans are suckered in by socialist misinformation and promises of “free stuff,” made possible by taxing the rich.

Which brings me back to Noonan’s warning: “It is a mistake to dismiss their leaders as goofballs who’ll soon fall off the stage.”

“Socialism is a philosophy of failure; the creed of ignorance, the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.” – Winston Churchill

            May God bless the United States of America.