Democrats want to change the rules … there’s no Medicare cut in budget … those poor babies … taxpayers’ bill for Green New Deal … advice to Cavuto … and more from the Page testimony

 Here are my observations and opinions on my selected news of the day.

JUST A REMINDER that you can sleep well tonight knowing that men and women of the U.S. Air Force are staying watch. Here A10’s of the 442nd Fighter Wing of Whiteman AFB, Missouri are refueled by a KC-135 of the 185th Aerial Refueling Wing out of Sioux City, Iowa over Kansas. (USAF Photo by TSgt Daniel Ter Haar)

 ELECTORAL VOTING IN 2016‘Donald Trump needs 270 electoral votes … there’s simply no pathway for him to get there’ – is still echoing in their ears and when Democrats lose, they want to change the “rules.”

“Every vote matters. We need to get rid of the Electoral College so that presidential candidate has to ask every American in every part of the country for their vote, not just the battleground states,” tweeted Elizabeth Warren.

That sounds fine, doesn’t it. However, our founding fathers believed that every state mattered. The Electoral College was established to compensate for the tyranny of the majority, stating that interests of small states matter, too.

Democrats like to remind us that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote, however, that was made possible by one big state – California. Trump won the other 49

BUT THAT’S NOT THE ONLY SCHEME to win elections the Democrats are floating. They want to give 16-year-olds the vote; they want non-citizens to vote; they favor ballot-harvesting in California; and they want to nullify the Supreme Court by stacking it with their own selections, according to Monica Showalter of American Thinker. In addition, they oppose processes in states to clean their voting rolls.

DEMOCRAT DEMAGOGUERY – I’m sure you’ve heard it. The president’s budget would cut Medicare. Even though Democrats were briefed during congressional hearings on the budget, that Medicare spending would continue to rise every year under the president’s proposal, they look for anything they can demagogue.

In truth, while spending will continue to rise, the budget calls for a reduction in projected spending. “Only in a government town like Washington could lawmakers say with a straight face that a reduction in future spending increases constitutes a “cut,” The Federalist comments.

NO APOLOGIES – Angus benefits from white privilege in the Kramer family.

THOSE POOR BABIES – “Feel sorry for millennials, because they are the most stressed-out generation ever, or so they will tell you,” comments Kim Hirsch in Victory Girls. “Life today, they say, is more stressful than it has ever been before, causing them to live under so much pressure that they can’t even …”

What do they find are the most stressful things they endure? Losing wallet/credit card, arguing with partner, commuter traffic delays, losing phone, arriving late for work, slow WIFI, a dying phone battery, and forgetting passwords.

OMG, how do they manage?

Hirsch suggests that most millennials are so immersed in social media, with its gauges of the number of friends and clicks, that they are simply disinterested or unaware of history; the real stress their grandparents and great grandparents experienced.

BAD NEWS for Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez and those Democrats who support her Green New Deal continues to surface as the costs associated with the plan are revealed. The “guaranteed jobs” and “universal health care” features would cost each family $582,000. Add to that, $20,000 for the “zero emissions” portion.

In addition, it has been estimated that the Green New Deal, if implemented, would result in 10 million jobs lost in the oil, gas and coal industries alone.

How can anyone take the Democrat presidential candidates seriously? O’Rourke is the latest to say we have just 12 years to change the course of climate change.

NO, YOU GIVE IT A REST, NEILFox Business Channel’s Neil Cavuto has a way of irritating me, especially with his tendency to interrupt his guests, but he opened his Tuesday My World show telling President Trump to “give it a rest.”

He was referring to the president’s criticism of John McCain, who was part of the leaking of the Russian dossier to members of the media. If Cavuto had been watching the Oval Office press availability he would have known that the president didn’t bring up McCain; he was merely responding to an inquiry by a member of the media.

Incidentally, McCain’s “hometown paper,” the Arizona Republic, has yet to report on the dossier leak tied to their favorite son.

ANOTHER LOOK INTO THE TRANSCRIPTS of FBI lawyer Lisa Page’s testimony revealed her arguing that prioritizing the Trump-Russia collusion matter over the Clinton e-mail scandal was the logical outcome of weighing the seriousness of the two allegations. There was no bias.

“The notion that there might be more emails that have not previously been seen that existed on Hillary Clinton’s email server just simply don’t even enter the realm of the same room of seriousness,” Page said.

It is generally believed that the FBI was so concentrated on Clinton’s mishandling of classified emails that they ignored her purpose in having a private server was to hide “pay to play” communications involving contributions to the Clinton Foundation.

Regarding the FBI questioning of Clinton, Page testified that the agency wanted it to be a two on two session, but that DOJ meddled and both sides were permitted to bring a host of participants and observers.

We are led to believe that no printed or recorded records of that testimony exist.

                         May God bless the United States of America.