kramerontheright view on climate change supported

“If only the president had consulted the history of Glacier Bay … he would have found a different story. It is a historical fact that the glacier in Glacier Bay began its retreat around 1750 … (and) by the time Capt. George Vancouver arrived there in 1794 the glacier still filled the bay. When John Muir visited in 1879 he found that the glacier had retreated more than 30 miles … and by 1900 Glacier Bay was ice-free.” – Patrick Moore*


President Obama continued to spew his alarmist views on climate change during his visit to Alaska’s Glacier Bay, where climate change has been naturally taking place for thousands of years. (

So wrote Moore in a piece in today’s Wall Street Journal, “Obama’s Half-Baked Alaska.” He followed with, “All of this happened long before human emissions of greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide, could have had any impact.”

It supports the statement I made in my Sept. 1, post, “The CO2 myth,” that “Temperatures and CO2 levels of today have been recorded in years before the invention of the combustion engine,” and that “even if we were to stop all transportation and shut down our industry, it would not have any impact on global warming.” Continue reading

The C02 myth

The Environmental Protection Agency and its environmental advocacy groups continue to perpetuate the myth that C02 needs to be controlled because it is the primary cause of trapping the sun’s heat and causing the planet to warm.

And, they claim that the United States produces 25 percent of the carbon dioxide pollution from fossil-fuel burning, the largest share of any country.

President Obama’s EPA has embarked on a $655 billion Clean Air Plan to cut C02 emissions by 32 percent in the next 15 years, and he is currently on an 11-day climate change tour to shame us for ignoring our carbon footprint.

While I agree that there has been a negligible warming, and human behavior may contribute to it, but we have been told by the government that the Clean Air Plan will most likely not have a measurable effect on the warming. Continue reading

Global warming? Follow the money

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President Obama, the Grand Poobah of Climate Change, checks the air for warming. (Eathan Miller/Getty Images)

As President Obama embarks on his 11-day climate change tour, the Wall Street Journal claims “global warming is expected to emerge as a key issue.”

WSJ bases its prediction on a Pew Research Center report finding that 74 percent of American adults say there is “solid evidence” of global warming, and that 46 percent believe the warming trend is “mostly due to human activity.”

You can expect to hear that its “proven science” backed by hundreds of leading scientists, supported by the majority of Americans. And count on him to scoff at deniers. Continue reading

“Mistake” and “sloppy” becomes “careless”

The liberal Democrat water carriers are at it again; this time to defend Hillary Clinton.

Remember back in 2004 when it was revealed that Sandy Berger, President Bill Clinton’s national security advisor, had stolen classified documents from the National Archives? It was called “a mistake” and “sloppy.”

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Despite Sandy Berger’s theft of classified documents during the Bill Clinton era, Hillary hired him as an advisor during her 2008 campaign. (

Theft of Top Secret documents is a Federal crime that is supposed to carry extremely serious penalties, but the water carriers for the Clinton administration claimed “a mistake” in most instances is not a crime, and certainly being “sloppy” isn’t a crime.

Berger had stuffed documents critical of the Clinton administration’s approach to terrorism in his pants and socks and hid them under a construction trailer near the Archives, later to be retrieved. The theft was an attempt to keep the information from the 9/11 Commission and eventually the American public. He later pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge and was fined just $50,000. Continue reading

The French know the meaning of bravery and honor

France is often the butt of jokes, especially when it comes to their military, but they stepped up and did the right thing Monday at a time when America would have dropped the ball.

The French wasted no time to present their highest honor for bravery to the three Americans and one Brit, shown here with French President Francois Hollande. (voanews)

Three courageous Americans and a Brit were honored in Paris yesterday as they were presented France’s highest honor for bravery for preventing a terrorist blood bath on a high speed train between Belgium and France.

None other than French President Francois Hollande presented Legion d’Honneur medals to Americans Spencer Stone, Alex Skartatos and Anthony Sadler and Briton Chris Norman at the Elysee Palace in Paris.

That was a far cry from the ordeal victims and families endured after the Nov. 5, 2009 shooting at Fort Hood. It took six years of letter-writing and even legislation to honor the 10 soldiers killed and 26 wounded with a Purple Heart, and Defense of Freedom Medals to two civilians, one who was killed and another wounded. Continue reading

kramerontheright is on point

On Monday morning I posted a piece, “Guess who will pay for student loan forgiveness,” for this blog. It had been on my “to do” list since Hillary Clinton began spouting her plan to write-off those loans to win votes.

I wrote how it was a bad idea when the Obama administration took over student loans in 2010, “and a disaster today.”

Lo and behold, that night I read how “President Obama Obama turned a relatively small, privately run, guaranteed student-loan program into a massive government-run disaster,” in Investor’s Business Daily entitled, “Obama’s $1.2 Trillion Student Loan Program Is Falling Apart.”

How nice it feels to be on point with a respected publication. Continue reading

Guess who will pay for student loan forgiveness?

Five years ago, I wrote a piece critical of the Obama administration’s takeover of the student loan program. It was a bad idea then, and a disaster today.

In a sweeping move to cut commercial banks out of the federal loan market, Congress voted to establish still another bureaucracy, ending the 45-year old bank-based program.… read more

Michigan bows to “greens” and EPA

When I read the Wall Street Journal’s Aug. 2, commentary, “States Should Shun the EPA’s New Power Mandate,” a report on the Clean Power Plan, I was reminded of the years of letters to the editor and opinion pieces in my Michigan hometown newspaper, mostly by those opposing coal-generated energy. They had bought into the health and climate change scare tactics of environmentalists and the Obama administration.

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The much-maligned James De Young coal-fired power plant in Holland, Michigan. The NAACP called it an “environmental justice offender. (Mark Copier photo)

Even the NAACP got into the act, issuing a report three years ago that the James De Young coal-fired plant was an “environmental justice offender,” stating that it was “significantly harmful to low-income communities and communities of color.” Never mind that just 3.6 percent of the Holland, Michigan population is African-American and half of the population has incomes of $50,000 or more.

In 2012, a spokesman for Green America signaled the proposed EPA rules as “good news.” Citing questionable statistics that coal-fired plants were the cause of four out of the five leading causes of mortality in the U.S., he said the carbon emissions were responsible for billions of dollars in health care costs.

Advocates have said the move to renewable energy was going to create thousands of new Michigan jobs and reduce pollution “without significantly increasing energy prices.” Where have I heard this before? Continue reading

Obama rebuffed again on appointment

I found it interesting to read the editorial, “Obama’s Lawless Labor Board,” in today’s Wall Street Journal.

First, because it points once again to the culture of corruption in the Obama administration. The editorial describes how a federal appeals court struck down a National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) ruling because its acting general counsel was in the job illegally.… read more

Scott Walker’s comment on richest counties around Washington DC goes practically unnoticed

Scott Walker’s comment on the wealth of counties around the nation’s capital hardly reported. (

While making his point that Hillary Clinton believes she can grow the economy by growing Washington, Republican presidential candidate Scott Walker cited that six of the top ten wealthiest counties are around the nation’s capital. He was referring to the median income of those working in the nation’s capital.

It’s unfortunate the remark was meaningless to the average viewer, and we can thank our low information media for ignoring the statement. He’s made the point several times during his campaign; part of his plan to reduce the size of government. Continue reading