Poll reveals belief conservatives targeted by IRS

KRAMER NOTE:  On March 23, 2014 I posted the last of a four-part series on the IRS scandal.  While the Obama administration wants this issue to fade away, I intend to continue to keep it alive as we near the mid-term elections.

An April Fox News Poll reveals that voters, by a 49-41 percent margin, believe the Obama administration “intentionally had the IRS target conservative political groups.”… read more

Poll shows 45 percent ‘unfavorable’ for Franken

In my March 27, 2014 blog post, It’s no joke, Senator Franken, I wrote of his effort to intimidate IRS employees; a plan to closely scrutinize tax exempt status applications submitted by Tea Party groups and other conservative organizations.

Led by Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Franken and several other senators pressured the IRS to delay Tea Party application approvals; a scheme to prevent groups from furthering their push for less government, lower taxes, less spending and adherence to the Constitution.… read more

Hillary’s embarrassing event no “reset” with Russia

We have been hearing a lot lately about how the Obama administration blew the “reset” with Russia, but few people recall or ever heard how Hillary Clinton, then secretary of state, was embarrassed by a close aide in what was to be a symbolic new start in U.S. – Russia relations.

Hillary and Lavrov (Pool photo by Fabrice Coffrini)

Sergei Lavrov and Hillary Clinton all smiles over “reset” button. (pool photo by Fabrice Coffrini)

It was on March 6, 2009 in Geneva.  Clinton and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei V. Lavrov were to have dinner together, in what was to be an effort to mend the relationship between the two countries that had become strained.

Before they sat down, however, a photo-op was arranged.  A smiling Clinton handed a small green box to Lavrov, saying I would like to present you with a little gift that represents what President Obama and Vice Predsident Biden and I have been saying and that is, we want to reset our relationship, and so we will do it together.”


Ill-conceived “reset” button. (foxnews.com)

In the box was a square yellow metal object with a bright red button.  It was to symbolize the reset of the relationship.  The word, “peregruzka” appeared above the button.  As Lavrov smiled, Clinton said, “We worked hard to get the right Russian word.  Do you think we got it?”   Lavrov’s smile turned to a laugh, stopping to say, “You got it wrong.  It should be “perezagruzka.”  He then pointed out that the Russian word on the gift button meant “overcharged,” causing Clinton to emit one of her characteristic cackles. Continue reading

Saying it’s a winner doesn’t make it so

  “I believe it’s a winner.” – House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi

In my March 25, 2014 posting, Kramer’s musings, I wrote about House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s press conference during which she insisted ObamaCare be referred to as the Affordable Care Act.  She went on to predict it will be a winning issue for her party in congressional elections this year.… read more

No more ACA delays, Secretary Sebelius? Really?

                                                      “No, sir.”

That was HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius’ clear, concise answer given with no hesitation in response to Rep. Kevin Brady’s (R-TX) question whether the Affordable Care Act individual mandate and enrollment period would be extended beyond the stated March 31, 2014 deadline.

That was just 15 days ago when she appeared before the House Ways and Means Committee. … read more

It’s no joke, Senator Franken

In my four-part series on the IRS scandal,  I wrote of U. S. senators who intimidated the agency in an effort to stymie Tea Party groups and other conservative organizations from gaining tax exempt status for political education.

Sen. Al Franken (D-MN), the former Saturday Night Live funnyman, who won his 2008 race against Norm Coleman by just 312 votes after an eight-month recount process, was one of those senators. … read more