Revisiting Biden’s Address, the High Court Nominee, the Durham Investigation, Barr’s Book and a Utility’s Claim


If you were among the curious souls who watched President Biden’s State of the Union address, you understand my inability to provide my readers with a comprehensive review in my last post.  He threw everything into it except the kitchen sink.

I’ll limit my post comments to two topics that caused me to go to the transcript of the address. … read more

The Media Interprets Trump’s Remarks to Fit Their Narrative of Him


The leftist media would have you believe that former President Trump’s remarks about Vladimir Putin reflect praise for the Russian leader.  After reading a few snippets from CNN, the New York Times and NPR, I viewed it as a continuation of Trump’s tenure, during which he was considered to be pals with Putin.… read more

The Drip, Drip, Drip of the Durham Investigation


Regular readers may recall my quoting a spokesperson for Rodney Joffe, aka Tech Executive-1 in Special Counsel John Durham’s latest report, of being apolitical with no previous work for a political party.  I asked, did Michael Sussmann (the Clinton campaign lawyer) inform Joffe that he represented the Clinton campaign when he hired him to infiltrate computer servers in Trump Tower and the White House?… read more

It’s Happening Again; Leftist Media Attempting to Hide Corruption from American People


With trust in the media at its lowest point in decades, the corrupt mainstream media are attempting to hide the latest filing of Special Counsel John Durham, in which he links spying by Hillary Clinton’s campaign that included contract technical assistance infiltration of not only Trump Tower, but the White House.… read more

Two Big News Stories Reveal Clear Culpability; Now We Await Accountability


Durham Links Russian Hoax to Clinton

In the continuing saga of the Democrats’ 2016 attempt to tie candidate Donald Trump and later President Trump to Russia over a four-year period, which has been subsequently debunked, Special Counsel John Durham now introduced evidence that ties payment for the effort to the Hillary Clinton campaign.… read more

The Fourth Estate Makes Its Own News


TRUMPENRFREUDE – The Urban Dictionary lists it as Donald Trump gaining pleasure from everyone else’s misfortune, and fellow blogger Don Surber used it as that feeling you get when you watch someone fall who tried to bring Trump down.

“This week – a year after Trump left office – was a spectacular week of Trumpenfruede,” wrote Surber. … read more

A Glimpse of News Emanating from Washington DC Reveals Politics as Usual


The headlines alone give you a feel for topics currently on the media agenda, but I’ll give you a little back up to go with them.

The story behind The Spectator headline, “Are Kamala Harris’s days as VP numbered?” delves into the Washington whispers of a cunning plan to shunt Kamala on to the Supreme Court in order to bring in a more popular vice president, someone better prepared to take over should Biden win in 2024.… read more

Progressivism is on a Path to Failure in the United States


Some 10 years ago, while writing op-eds and letters to editors while living in the conservative Hill Country of Texas, I enjoyed taking on a handful of Democrat contributors to a regular column in the Boerne Star called “Progressive Views.”

One of the regulars on the left blamed conservatives for “befouling the word liberal to the point that many who possess the qualities of a liberal have abandoned the term in favor of the more palatable word – progressive.”… read more