Beware the advice of the opposition
“I think the Republicans are wasting their time using that (ObamaCare) as their electoral issue, and they will find that out.” – House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)
If the Democrats really believed that, do you think they would be telling us? It reminds me of how they tell us if we agree to amnesty, Hispanics will vote Republican.
… and speaking of Nancy Pelosi
Did you hear how she corrected a reporter who asked her a question about ObamaCare? “It’s called the Affordable Care Act,” she said, and then repeated, “It’s the Affordable Care Act.” Then she continued by saying, “That’s a case we have to make. We’re grown ups.” And when the reporter reminded her that even the president calls it ObamaCare, she told him, “I tell them the same thing I told you.”

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi reminds reporter that it is the Affordable Care Act, not ObamaCare. (Evan Vucci AP photo)
As if that wasn’t clear enough in her mind, she went on as if she were a kindergarten teacher to say, “Affordable. Affordable. There’s a reason. Affordable. Affordable. Affordable. Affordable. Affordable.” All this to make her point that Republicans refuse to use the official name because they know it is more affordable. Nearly everyone knows that for the majority of people, the Affordable Care Act is not more affordable. Premiums are up and deductibles are up. Republicans should continue to use “ObamaCare” to hang this miserable program on its namesake.
Democrats are desperate
“If Colonel Sanders isn’t going to pay the lady behind the counter enough to live on, then Uncle Sam has to. And I for one am getting a little tired of helping highly profitable companies pay their workers.” – Liberal Comedian Bill Maher.
While President Obama is using TV’s Ellen DeGeneres to help sell ObamaCare, Democrats in Kendall County, Texas are quoting liberal comedian Bill Maher in their effort to push the ill-advised minimum wage hike. You just know they’re getting desperate. With an economy starving for leadership with business savvy, liberals don’t realize that nearly all KFCs are franchised by someone in their community making a modest profit. Not only would a minimum wage increase be a job killer, it could affect the price of your next bucket of chicken. And what do you think will happen to the $26 million KFC’s parent company, Yum Brands, donates to charity in funds and food annually, if the wage hike is approved? Finally, does anyone seriously believe that Maher frequents KFC to help support that lady behind the counter?
When are Republicans going to man-up and stop apologizing?
“Let’s be clear … when Mr. Ryan says ‘inner city,’ when he says ‘culture,’ these are simply code words for what he really means: ‘black.'” – Rep. Barbara Lee (D – CA)
This was Lee’s response to a statement made by Rep. Paul Ryan (R – WI) on a radio talk show recently. “We have got this tailspin of culture, in our inner cities in particular, of men not working and just generations of men not even thinking about working or learning to value the culture of work,” Ryan said. That touched off Lee and her Congressional Black Caucus colleagues, who labeled this a thinly veiled racial attack. To my consternation, Ryan felt the need to apologize. He should of said his comment was truthful and well-documented, and could have quoted one of the many blacks who have similarly remarked, like Bill Cosby. But, no … he called his remarks “inarticulate about the point I was trying to make,” and indicated he plans to meet with the Black Caucus.
Ryan’s comments about poverty and inner cities dates back many years when he worked for the late Rep. Jack Kemp (R-NY) and has since visited many of the nation’s poorer districts before issuing a report on poverty. But again, as Republicans always seem to do, he allowed the opposition to demonize him rather than standing up for what he believes, and what he knows to be true.
At least someone spoke up yesterday
“Since a few Republicans blocked these important sanctions last work period, Russian lawmakers voted to annex Crimea and Russian forces have taken over Ukrainian military bases.” – Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.
To that ridiculous statement, Michael Steel, spokesman for House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH), remarked that the Senate leader “sounds completely unhinged.” For Reid, it was just his latest in a long list of foolish statements made on the Senate floor.
Something to think about when you vote in November.
A friend passed these thoughts along. When you go to the polls to vote in the mid-terms in November, consider the following:
The Obama administration advises us not to judge all Muslims by the actions of a few lunatics, but then they judge all gun owners by the actions of a few lunatics.
While big government is cutting benefits to our veterans and reducing the U.S. Army to levels pre-World War II, support continues for people here illegally.
We are constantly reminded that we are going to soon run out of Social Security funds, but we never hear the same about food stamp funds.
San Antonio Express-News drinks the Obama Kool-Aid
“There’s still time to enroll to get coverage under the Affordable Care Act. If you haven’t heard and you’re eligible, you should sign up.” – Editorial, San Antonio Express-News
Thus, the mostly left-leaning San Antonio Express News took its editorial position on the Affordable Care Act, aka ObamaCare, but not without a warning – “And those who oppose the act will be doing their utmost to convince the rest of us that the lack of enrollment equals folks rejecting ‘Obamacare’ on principle.” And again they felt obliged to attack Gov. Rick Perry. The paper claims that more people in Texas could be enrolled had “navigators,” tasked with helping them, not faced needless roadblocks erected by the governor. If you expected the Express-News to remember when another Texan, Sen. John Cornyn, queried HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius about not doing criminal background checks prior to hiring navigators, you still believe there are true journalists in the press today. “So a convicted felon could be a navigator and could acquire sensitive personal information from an individual unbeknownst to them?” asked Cornyn. “That is possible,” she responded.
Hillary Clinton in a move to attract college students
“We are going to make sure the millennial generation really is the participation generation.” – Hillary Clinton
Are you ready for this? Appearing before students at Arizona State University recently, Hillary Clinton, seemingly already running for president, told them their generation showed great promise as open-minded and tolerant Americans ready to step forward for an important cause. I wonder how many of those “open-minded” students realize she’ll say almost anything for her $200,000 speaking fee?