Climate change to cause civil, political unrest?

ASU to study if climate change will spur unrest, read the headline of an article hidden at the bottom of a single column on page A-17 among advertisements in the Arizona Republic, July 4, 2014.

Up front, I agree that the climate is changing, as it has as far back as records have been kept and beyond.  However, the billions of dollars being spent to prove how human activity is the cause, and that through changes in our life styles we can reverse the trend, I believe, is not only a waste, but a fraud.

How many times have you heard that “hundreds of scientists agree” that we are causing global warming.  These are the same scientists who benefit from the billions of dollars being spent on grants for studies to support their climate change position.  These studies usually include the names of academicians from universities around the world as they support each other’s claims.

It is estimated that some $21 billion (twice that invested in border security) is spent by the federal government, where 18 agencies are engaged in various global warming activities.


Our government seems to believe the effects of climate change could cause civil unrest and has given Arizona State University a $20 million grant to study it. (

The aforementioned ASU study is but another attempt to scare the public, as has been tried with stories of the loss of lake ice, ice in the Arctic, rising sea levels and the increase in tornadoes, hurricanes, downpours and even wildfires.  Now they’re going to try to persuade us that climate change will cause civil and political unrest.

The Republic article reports that the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)* had awarded Arizona State University a five-year, $20 million contract to research the effects of climate change; to understand how climate-caused disruptions and the depletion of natural resources, including water, land and energy, will affect political stability.”

Leave it to the government to find new ways to spend taxpayer money.


* The NGA supports operations of the Defense Department and our intelligence community.  It began during World War II as a mapping and charting service in the U.S. Army.