Those “double-standard” Democrats

Romney (wash

During his presidential run, Romney was falsely accused of not paying taxes by Sen. Harry Reid (

Remember how the Democrats attacked presidential candidate Mitt Romney for his association with Bain Capital, with commercials suggesting that he had avoided paying taxes by stashing money in off-shore tax haven accounts?  The assault on Romney was relentless with Senate Majority Harry Reid ridiculously stating that someone told him that Romney paid no taxes.

They followed Rule #12 of the leftist playbook, Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals. Pick the  target … freeze it … personalize it and polarize it. Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy.  Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions.

And, as campaigning picked up for the upcoming mid-term elections, Reid decided to again turn to the rule book, this time to unleash verbal attacks on the Koch brothers, who donate millions of dollars in support of Republicans.

Steyer (

Billionaire Tom Steyer is an example of the double standard practiced by the Democrat Party. (

Enter Tom Steyer, the billionaire environmental activist, who has pledged $100 million to help elect Democrats this fall.  Steyer once managed a hedge fund to help wealthy clients legally avoid paying taxes by recommending fund transfers to the Cayman Islands and Mauritious. Memos revealed that Steyer’s Fallon Capital Management LLC helped clients avoid U.S. taxes and penalties by establishing tax shelters previously unheard of.  No matter. He’s on their side.

But Steyer’s plan to support vulnerable Democrat Senators in the mid-terms is “unraveling” according to Kimberly Strassell of the Wall Street Journal.  With climate change being Steyer’s hot button, he’s finding that a number of the candidates, including Louisiana’s Mary Landrieu, support the Keystone XL pipeline and the environment is low on the public agenda.  Look for Steyer to find another way to fund Democrats.