The Left is in a hurry to bury Benghazi

Dead Americans

These four dedicated Americans lost their lives in the Benghazi attack. Hillary Clinton had five months of warnings and refused to provide increased security. The left wants to sweep it all under the rug.

“Benghazi debunked,” read the headline over a Washington Post editorial board piece on Saturday.  “All that wasted noise over Benghazi attack,” declared Rem Reider in Sunday’s USA Today.

Both accounts, triggered by the release of the House Intelligence Committee report on Benghazi, were designed to put to bed any attempt to place blame with the Obama administration, including then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The president’s failure to act decisively following the attack, and Clinton’s failure to provide proper security for the ambassador and other Americans prior to the  Sept. 11, 2012 assault, are still in question.

The Washington Post criticized Republicans for “advancing a series of bizarre conspiracy theories intended to besmirch the Obama administration.”

“For the past three years,” wrote Reider, “the right has worked feverishly to turn Benghazi into a major scandal, a cudgel with which to batter President Obama and former secretary of state Hillary Rodham Clinton.”

Gowdy (nation

We couldn’t ask for a more-qualified person than Rep. Trey Gowdy to head the House Select Committee on Benghazi (

For the past six months, political blogs and Washington’s The Daily Caller were citing House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers for downplaying the testimony CIA contractors gave in closed session and made note that Rogers had opposed the formation of a select committee on Benghazi.  Some even went so far as to tie Rogers’ inaction to his wife’s relationship with a private security contracting firm.  Rogers will leave office this month.

“The report did not fully address several key facts,” said Fox News in response to the House report, again directing attention to the misleading of the public that the Internet video was blamed for the attack.  The concocted story was repeated  numerous times by members of the administration, including the president

In the meantime, Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) has announced his select committee will be holding hearings this month.  I have been impressed with Gowdy, and if at the end of his committee work he reports there is no “there there” I will be satisfied.

Stein (
