Muslim attack evokes memories and reminders


One of the terrorists in Paris is shown shooting a policeman despite his pleading for mercy.

Waking up this morning to the news of Muslims killing 10 journalists and two police officers in Paris reminded me of the several times my readers have directed me to a 2009 You Tube video of Muslims shutting down Paris streets for prayer. Click here to see it.

My wife and I have enjoyed our many trips to Paris and other parts of France.  I vividly recall that the usual warnings we received about hoodlums, who want to rip off unsuspecting tourists, became more serious as the Muslim population grew there.  The same was true in London.

More recently, a reader sent me a piece being circulated about the growing Muslim U.S. terrorist network, the increasing number of mosques appearing in our cities and the Muslims who are gaining regular access to the White House, thanks to Obama administration appointments.

Muslims are testing U.S. and individual state laws every day, and “political correctness” is winning out in our “whatever” culture.

Hijab (

This Muslim woman in Dearborn, Michigan displays her driver’s license with the photo of her wearing her hijab headwear. (

In Dearborn, Michigan, where there is a large contingent of Muslims, women are permitted to wear traditional hijab headwear in their driver’s license photos. The University of Michigan-Dearborn agreed to install $25,000 foot-washing stations in several restrooms.  In Minneapolis, foot-washing stations were installed in a small college after a Muslim student was hurt while washing her feet in a sink.  Christian holidays are being struck from school calendars.  Where does it all end?

More importantly, when are we going to wake up?