It was vintage Hillary as she unveiled her “Growth and Fairness Economy” at New York’s progressive New School this week.
It was all there, designed to trigger further animosity toward business. The economy is stacked in favor of those at the top …. high corporate profits and CEO salaries … inequality … wage stagnation. And it’s those “mean-spirited” Republicans that are to blame.

Hillary Clinton chose New York’s progressive New School as the venue to deliver her vision for the economy. (
Her message is directed at the low-information crowd, who like hearing someone attack “those greedy CEO’s,” who they believe are responsible for their lot in life. This is how she intends to be their “champion.”
It’s unfortunate that the average worker has little or no idea what makes the economy tick. Take the subject of profit, for instance. In numerous polls over the past five decades, people have been asked, “Just a rough guess, what percent profit on each dollar of sales do you think the average company makes after taxes?”
The average response in the most recent poll was 36 percent! Believe it. The average profit margin is just 6.5 to 7.5 percent.
Obviously, Hillary knows that about 55 percent of the population is invested in those companies she is attacking through 401K’s and other means, but she sees those who don’t have the money to invest, don’t understand the stock market, don’t trust brokers and feel investing is too risky as ripe for her demagoguing.
Hillary supported Obamanomics several times during her speech, even though many continue to live from paycheck to paycheck while she says Obama has brought us back from the brink of depression
Even though RobertsCare, aka ObamaCare, has been with us for over five years, 47 percent of Americans responding to the Federal Reserve Report on Economic Well-Being claimed that they “avoided medical treatment because of the cost.” And double-digit premium increases are predicted for 2016.
In that same survey, it was revealed that nearly half of American households would not be able to afford a $400 emergency. They’re victims of the Obama vision.
“I will set ambitious goals in all of these areas in the months ahead, “ Hillary said, and it already smells a lot like the Obama years; like more ridiculous demands on business that will only serve to counter her grandiose plan.
She intends to increase “investments” in cleaner renewable energy to … are you ready for this? … “to create millions of jobs and help us meet the threats of climate change.” We’re still looking for the five million new energy jobs predicted by Obama in 2008.
Her speech was billed as her vision for the economy. There was nothing new there. Just more reliance on big government as I see it.
Hillary criticized Gov. Scott Walker for “stomping on worker rights,” even though he won three elections in blue Wisconsin. And she quoted Jeb Bush out of context saying that he said Americans should work longer hours, when he was indicating we need to return to the 40-hour work week. Alinsky tactics.
Among the stable of GOP candidates for 2016, there are five governors, all with impressive records for creating the environment for private sector jobs and balancing budgets.
We don’t need another amateur in the White House.