What’s wrong with the Republican Party? Let me count the ways

My wife and I stopped contributing to the Republican National Committee (RNC) years ago when my personal letters written to former chairman Michael Steele were ignored; yet we still receive mailings asking this question.


Another mailed RNC survey to tell them what they already know.

This mailing contained still another survey, asking for our position in a yes or no format regarding immigration, ObamaCare, taxes, regulation and the EPA, climate change, Planned Parenthood, defense, and the Iran nuclear deal.

The survey looks very official, complete with a registration number and a section reserved for office use only, complete with a bar code.

Really, Chairman Priebus, you don’t know where your party stands on these issues?

You acknowledge that the media is focusing on the differences among Republicans, and you want to set the record straight, “we need to know if you think something is WRONG with the direction of our Party …”

Current presidential polls show two outsiders are leading in the primaries, and another is close.  That alone should tell you what voters think about the establishment.

I have been disappointed in the RNC for some time.  The mere belief that you feel a four-page, single-spaced letter with a request for more money, and a survey will work tells me you are out of touch.

I appreciate the fact we have differences of opinion among our candidates, but we are not unified when the rubber meets the road during Congressional votes.

Rick Santorum hit the nail on the head during the undercard debate on Nov. 10, when he responded to Gerald Seib’s foolish question, “Who in Congress do you admire on the Democrat side?”

“Democrats,” he exclaimed, “Because they fight … because they’re not willing to back down … and they are willing to stand up and fight and win … they are willing to take it to us.”

I hope our new speaker, Rep. Paul Ryan, will change that in the House, but in the Senate we have Senators Ted Cruz and Rand Paul, for instance, who are willing to go against the party.

As I stated in my last post, I hope conservative voters come to their senses sooner rather than later.