Obama continues war on coal industry

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(Cartoon courtesy of Michael Ramirez, IBD)

In recent posts I have written about President Obama’s seven-year hatred of the coal industry despite the fact that coal has supplied us with the cheapest energy and still produces about a third of America’s energy.

Further evidence of his 2008 threat to bankrupt coal companies was revealed this week when Arch Coal filed for Chapter 11 protection, following the earlier filings of Patriot Coal, Walter Energy and Alpha Natural Resources. The actions of Obama and his compliant EPA have killed some 40,000 lower and middle class jobs during his tenure.

In another move to promote his legacy on climate change, Obama this week ordered his Interior Department to halt new leases for coal-mining on federal lands, and has launched a review that could portend higher costs and closer emissions scrutiny. Coal production on federal lands represents some 40 percent of U.S. output.

Meanwhile, the Obama administration continues to provide tax credits to solar and wind industries and has promised thousands of high-paying green jobs. Remember his failed commitment to those “shovel-ready” jobs.

As you know, the EPA, appearing to be magnanimous, is allowing the states to devise their own plans to reduce carbon emissions. A dozen or so are balking at this costly endeavor, betting on a Republican victory in November that promises to roll back regulations. The weak-kneed Republican Governor Rick Snyder of Michigan, however, has buckled under and has people working on a plan for his state to comply with the EPA “request.”

We must return some sanity regarding energy production to the White House.