I must tell you, I get a great deal of satisfaction when a story surfaces that tends to validate an opinion that I have previously stated in this blog.
On a number of occasions, the latest on Feb. 21, 2015, I wrote of the amateurs the Obama administration employs as spokespersons.

Jen Psaki is shown at the time she was unable to name an accomplishment of Hillary Clinton. (cnnphoto)
One of the subjects of my criticism was Jen Psaki, who was the spokesperson for the State Department at the time. When queried about the Jews who were killed in the kosher deli in Paris, she said we shouldn’t assume that those targeted and killed were Jewish.
When Psaki was asked about Hillary Clinton’s accomplishments while at State, Psaki couldn’t name one, and as she left State to go to work in the White House, she commented “I would argue the president doesn’t give himself enough credit for what he’s done around the world.”
Although Psaki has been out of the spotlight lately, it came to light that her response to a December 2013 question asked by Fox’s James Rosen, was deliberately deleted from State’s public online video archives.
Rosen asked Psaki, “Is it the policy of the State Department, where the preservation or the secrecy of secret negotiations is concerned, to lie to achieve that goal?”
“James,” she began, “I think there are times where diplomacy needs privacy in order to progress. This is a good example of that.”
Rosen discovered that his exchange with Psaki was missing while searching for the video while working on a piece on Ben Rhodes, who recently revealed the Obama administration was in fact involved in “under the table” negotiations with Iran’s mullahs.
Earlier that year, Rosen had asked Psaki’s predecessor Victoria Nuland whether the U.S. was holding bilateral talks with Iran outside of the formal channels between Iran and six world powers. She said the U.S. wasn’t.
With cover-ups over Hillary Clinton’s lack of response to the safety of foreign service and intelligence operatives at Benghazi, and her mishandling of classified documents, corruption at the Department of State under Clinton and now John Kerry continues.
While the current State Spokesman John Kirby stated that no effort would be made to determine who instructed that the segment be deleted, it appears there are those, including Fox and Rosen, who want that individual identified.
Meanwhile, Kirby credited Psaki and Nuland as “extraordinary spokespeople” with “character and integrity.
Psaki’s deputy while at State, Mary Harf, another lightweight I previously identified, was named Senior Advisor for Strategic Communications to Kerry, leading the Iran nuclear negotiations communications strategy. She seems to have escaped any complicity with Rhodes in the Iran negotiation revelation.
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