Oops, never thought of that … Hillary’s disdain for women … Dems distance themselves from her … McCain and Paul to block Pompeo and Haspel … Navy medics get training in Chicago … Kudlow to advise Trump … MSNBC’s Reid an embarrassment … where did climate change funding go? … more advocacy journalism … and Lamb to slaughter

Here are my observations on the news of the day.

UNINTENDED RESULTSWhen you act before thinking something through there can be unintended results. Such is the case with Dick’s Sporting Goods. In their “wisdom,” they decided to stop sales of guns and ammunition to anyone under the age of 21

While they were gratified with the outpouring of support for that new policy, they quickly learned that some customers were choosing to shop elsewhere. “Some of the customers that buy firearms, buy other things also,” said Dick’s Chief Executive Edward Stack. It’s hunting business posted negative comparable-store sales.

Walmart also established a policy prohibiting the sale of guns and ammo to those under the age of 21, however, with its wide merchandise offering, including grocery items, normal store traffic will most likely continue.

HILLARY’S DISDAIN FOR WOMEN – As a follow-on to my post about Hillary Clinton’s comments made in India, I found this statement from The Wall Street Journal to be quite appropriate:

“Mrs. Clinton was supposed to be the first female president who rose as the feminist champion for the aspirations of all American women. Yet it turns out she really believes that any woman who voted against her must have been a mental or emotional prisoner of some man, trapped in a kind of political purdah.”

The Journal also nicely drove home her “contempt for so many Americans,” obviously referring to her “deplorables” and “irredeemable” remarks during the campaign and her belief that those who didn’t vote for her were not optimistic, diverse, dynamic and weren’t interested in moving forward.

DEMOCRAT SENATORS UP FOR RE-ELECTION are trying to distance themselves from Hillary’s remarks, but they all campaigned for her against Donald Trump.

While disagreeing with Missouri voters over their choice of Trump, Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO) said she “respected them.” Her response to Clinton’s insult: “I don’t think that’s the way you should talk about any voter especially in my state.”

I wouldn’t call that a very firm admonishment of her 2016 presidential candidate.

Sen. Sherrod Brown’s (D-Ohio) response was even weaker: “I don’t really care what she said, I just don’t think that that’s helpful.”

Clinton didn’t single out heartland states with her “backwards” statement, but she didn’t have to; we know the states that didn’t vote for her.

LEAVE IT TO MCCAIN AND PAUL, the GOP’s two internal obstructionists, who now claim they cannot support President Trump’s nomination of Mike Pompeo to head the State Department, and the naming of his deputy at the CIA, Gina Haspel, to move up into the director’s slot. The senators want to exploit her association with the harsh interrogation program that took place following the 9/11 attacks, despite the fact this program no longer exists. In addition, Pompeo and Haspel are both viewed as super hawks.

GUESS WHERE NAVY CORPSMAN ARE TRAINING – Chicago, Illinois, USA. But I doubt that the Chamber of Commerce will be boasting about it. The Navy believes it is one place that will provide experience treating the types of wounds they will inevitably see on the battlefield. Prior to this training, a corpsman’s first exposure to wound trauma occurred when they were deployed to a war zone.

WHAT WILL CNBC DO NOW?Fox Business Channel has been scooping up the real on-air business talent, and now President Trump has nominated longtime CNBC commentator Larry Kudlow to become White House assistant to the president for economic policy.

MSNBC’s Joy Reid (MSNBC.com)

DON’T LOOK FOR THE PRESIDENT to hire Joy Reid away from MSNBC. You may recall how the misinformed Reid mocked President Trump’s reference to the brutal MS-13 gang activity during his State of the Union Address.

“He gives a speech tonight, in which he makes it sound like the biggest issue in the United States … the biggest threat is MS-13, a gang nobody that doesn’t watch Fox News has ever heard of. So he makes it sound like they’re the biggest threat.”

So that you can recognize how misinformed Reid is, you should know that Sen. Kamela Harris (D-CA), appearing on the same show, referred to the gang saying, “MS-13 is an example of some of the worst of criminal gang behavior. Even CNN has reported on MS-13 more than a dozen times, and all major newspapers have covered arrests of MS-13 members.

Yesterday’s announcement that there are now some 10,000 MS-13 gang members across the country probably went unnoticed in MSNBC’s crack newsroom and by Reid.

WHERE DID IT GO? I’m referring to the billions of dollars the U.S. and some 200 nations have contributed to third world countries to combat the effects of climate change. The media should ask Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY): What tribal leader pocketed the funds? How about the one being driven around in a Mercedes? Gillibrand is now declaring that famine has hit some 12 million people in Africa, and claims that the effects of climate change have not only harmed the ability of countries there to grow their own food, it is creating more terrorism there.

MORE ADVOCACY JOURNALISM from the left-leaning Arizona Republic. I recently wrote about the Republic’s opinion page effort to stir Arizona teachers to go out on strike for salary increases like teachers in West Virginia. On Wednesday, Columnist Phil Boas, the same guy who referred to President Trump as “fat, undisciplined and an ornery old cuss” … like the character Rooster Cogburn, played by John Wayne in “True Grit” … instructs us “How to support today’s student walkout.”

Just because they are citizens, Boas claims they have “the right to commit acts of civil disobedience in the face of great wrongs.” The problem is that most of them cannot intellectually define that “wrong,” and seemingly believe only that what’s needed is gun control. And that plays right into the left’s agenda.

“Many schools are supportive of today’s walkout,” Boas writes, adding that schools who threaten their kids with suspension and other penalties if they participate in a protest march are making a mistake.

What if teachers want to use those kids to demonstrate in favor of teacher salary increases, or perhaps defend a favorite teacher who may be fired. And what if the kids want to walkout to promote a four-day school week, amnesty for DACA individuals, reparations for Blacks, or, heaven forbid, allowing prayer in the school and on the football field.

The left is using our young people to support a cause – gun control – that they have been unable to further, even when they held the majority in Washington. They’re hoping that the teen’s effort to steer votes away from candidates who take campaign funds from the NRA bears fruit.  Leave it to the Dems.

WITH CONOR LAMB’S SUCCESS in putting down Nancy Pelosi and positioning himself as Trump-lite, some pundits are predicting that in the work-up to the midterms, Democrat candidates will pivot from their Trump-bashing approach to Lamb’s disingenuous position. Lamb has become the laughing stock in political circles, suggesting that surely he must realize that his chance of getting a prime committee assignment is impossible with Pelosi as his shepherd (get it?)

(Courtesy of blog.texas811.org)