The media double standard, again … the Deep State exists … media ignores NJ school shooting … and gun control run amok

Here are my observations and opinions on items in the news.

PRESIDENT OBAMA GOT A PASS, but the media and Democrats continue to press the Trump administration regarding its apparent disregard over Russian hacking during our presidential election process.

At the White House press conference Wednesday, it was revealed that President Trump had called Vladimir Putin to congratulate him on his win, and to talk about a near-term meeting to discuss matters of mutual interest.

A flurry of idiotic questions followed, primarily including criticism of the president for congratulating a dictator in winning what was obviously a fixed election.

An unidentified member of the media asked if the president had discussed the election meddling with Putin. Another asked if he had asked about the poisoning incidents. How foolish and embarrassing. It was a simple phone call, not an in-person sit down meeting.

Of course, Sen. John McCain (RINO-AZ) and others took the opportunity to attack the president for that, too.

However, Obama called Putin to congratulate him in 2012. More evidence of the media double standard. And, I was reminded how President Obama knew about the Russian hacking months before the election, but chose not to interfere because most of his administration assumed Hillary Clinton was going to win, as the Washington Post reported.

“They thought she was going to win, so they were willing to kick the can down the road,” a high-level U.S. official told NBC News.

Then, months later, while attending the G-20 summit in China, Obama privately met with Putin and told him to “cut it out,” and warned of unspecified consequences if the hacking continued. How naïve.

Knowing what we know now about the anti-Trump bias in Obama’s NSA, DOJ, FBI and even the UN from e-mails that have come to our attention, Obama’s optimism is understood. Trump transition team members were unmasked by over-zealous Obama people.

However, when Trump won, the Deep State holdovers from the Obama administration in the DOJ and FBI swung into action in an effort to bring down the Trump presidency.

THE DEEP STATE EXISTS – For some time now, I have been reporting here about the “Deep State,” a cabal of unelected Obama administration holdovers, who are hellbent to bring down the Trump presidency. While they are primarily working in the DOJ and FBI, I have told you about their activities in the IRS and EPA. By now, I’m sure you know who they are by name.

A Monmouth University Poll released this week reveals that “a large bipartisan majority believe that national policy is being manipulated or directed by a “Deep State” of unelected or appointed government officials. Yet interestingly, while 13 percent said they were very familiar with the term “Deep State,” and another 24 percent were somewhat familiar, 63 percent admitted they were not familiar with the term.

Fully 8-in-10 believe that the U.S. government currently monitors its own citizens including a majority (53 percent) who say this activity is widespread and another 29 percent who say it is happening, but not widespread. Just over half of the public is either very worried (23 percent) or somewhat worried (30 percent) about the government invading their privacy.

I found it interesting that the poll also indicates that Americans of Black, Latino and Asian backgrounds (35 percent) are more likely than whites (23 percent) to say that the “Deep State” exists.

Monmouth reports that there are no significant differences in responses among Independents (57 percent), Republicans (51 percent) and Democrats (50 percent).

DID YOU NOTICE how the media practically ignored the Maryland school shooting this week? The shooter used a handgun to wound two students before an armed school resources officer (how politically correct) engaged him and fired upon him. As I write this, it has not been determined if the shooter shot himself or was hit by a bullet fired from the officer’s gun.

THE MEDIA DILEMMA – The shooter’s use of a handgun rather than an AR-15 clashes with the gun control fanatics’ assault rifle ban effort. And, the successful immediate engagement of an armed officer is not what the “gun free zone” activists wanted to hear. The media certainly didn’t want this story to interfere with the “gun control” march this weekend.

Democrats are known to use children in protests of all kinds. This photo was from the Women’s March (

BEN SHAPIRO’S piece, “Stop Making Children Into Moral Authorities,” should be must reading for all of those adults, fueled by a complicit media, who insist that their children march for gun control this weekend.

“There is something deeply perverse about using children to promote a political agenda,” writes Schapiro, “Children simply don’t know anything about politics.”

Shapiro was particularly struck by an article in the Wall Street Journal about “schools that are grappling with how to address the event with children as young as 5 years old, and with finding ways for children who are too little to be told about school shootings to take part.”

Democrats shamelessly use children to promote their causes as evidenced by the women’s march and the DACA demonstrations.

AND THEN THERE’S THIS – Two high school students of Lacey High School in New Jersey were suspended for posting a photo of themselves with four rifles, ammunition magazines and a duffel bag with the caption “fun day at the range.”

Some 200 parents, community members and other supporters of the First and Second Amendments were at a meeting of the Board of Education, letting them know “they don’t want the district trampling on their rights or meddling in their home lives,” writes Steve Strunsky of NJ Advance Media.

“It’s none of your damn business what our children do outside of school,” complained Frank Horvath, father of senior student. Lewis Fiordimondo, who has a daughter in the high school, said, “It’s not your place. It’s not the school’s place.”

The school policy that originally stated that “any student who is reported to be in possession of a weapon of any type for any reason or purpose, whether on or off school grounds,” would be subject including up to one-year suspension. In the above-mentioned instance, the suspension was dropped.

The new policy omits any mention of possession of a weapon off school grounds, but adds a prohibition of a weapon on a school bus.